
Adds some helper UI for publishing in Outpost. Also adds the ability to use auto-publishing for any content.

This gem assumes that the models you want to use it with have at least a "Published" and "Pending" status, and that they respond to #published? and #pending?.


gem 'outpost-publishing'


Drop it into your javascript manifest:

//= require outpost/publishing
//= require outpost/content_alarms

Then instantiate using Javascript. Initialize by passing in a few options:

  • the form selector (such as #post_99),
  • the selector of the div wrapper around the publishing fields,
  • the selector for where to render the notifications,
  • the selector for the status input
  • (optional) statusPending and statusPublished to indicate the value for each of those. Default is 3 and 5, respectively.
$(function() {
  publishing = new outpost.Publishing({
    form: "#<%=f.options[:html][:id]%>",
    container: ".publishing-fields",
    notifications: "<%= options[:notifications] || "#scheduled_status" %>",
    statusField: "#status-select"

Content Alarms

This gem only provides UI for content alarms. You'll need to do the server-side stuff yourself.

An alarm might look like this:

create_table :publish_alarms do |t|
  t.integer :content_id
  t.string :content_type
  t.datetime :fire_at

add_index :publish_alarms, [:content_type, :content_id]
add_index :publish_alarms, :fire_at

The only things that the UI script requires is a "fire_at" field, and a status field to read.


Yes, please. PR's are appreciated.