Ruby Orphic CLI

Gem Version

Quick Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'orphic'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install orphic

Additional Installation Details

You'll need Ruby and Rubygems installed for the Ruby Orphic CLI to function and develop your own commands or plugins. This is built using the Thor toolkit (Insecure Link!) and Ruby on Rails.

If looking to develop your own front end, check out our rails fork here. You can Get Started with Rails by following the linked guide and for more in-depth tutorials check out Team Tree House.

Basic Guide to a Web Development environment for the Orphic CLI


Getting Started

The Orphic CLI runs on both Ruby and NodeJS, and to get started with either we recommend using Brew on Linux and Unix distros (including macOS), or Chocolatey for Windows users. The CLI is currently focused on -nix developer environments, but v2 will focus on Windows PowerShell shortcuts via Chocolatey. With these package managers you can install nvm and rbenv, software that will create environments for any specified version. We recommend Ruby version 2.7.1 and Node version 12 or 14. Google is your friend, and this is a good article for macOS users. If those steps are complete, you can install the gem locally with gem install orphic.

Developer Installation

Once the steps above are complete, you'll need the Bundler Ruby gem to locally bundle any changes made with gem install bundler. For more on Bundler and Gemfiles, check out the bundler docs here. To build from source, clone the repo, access the directory and run bundle install. We strongly recommend using version control before continuing further. You can clone the ruby-orphic-cli repository into your own and once your changes are complete, they can be submitted for review via a Pull Request. If unfamiliar with git, Orphic recommends Git SCM.


macOS includes a version of ruby and for that reason Orphic recommends using shims via rbenv to maintain a separate development environment. Our codebase is on Ruby 2.7.2, so your mileage may vary, but feel free to submit an Issue for any unexpected outcomes with replicable steps to anticipate the same conclusion.

Example neo commands:

orphic help

This will help you get started, there are currently these commands and subcommands available:

 -Uppercase -- Uppercase flag
  node hello
  node help
   -tags -- tags option
   Command -- (req.) argument
  node deploy
   -Site -- Site flag
   -baseDistrict -- argument
map -- view map commands
    -TYPE -- Type flag
     mongo_URL - (req.) argument
    require Geek
    puts "hi from flash"

Example dev commands:

bundle exec exe/orphic help

Publishing the Ruby gem

Start with this doc and your own test ruby gem, you can copy an early branch if you'd like.

This will help you get started: nano lib/orphic/version.rb rm *i* bundler install gem build gem publish *i*


Create a new branch with git to something like git branch.

Example HTTP headers

Request headers
X-Forwarded-For: {IP address}
Cache-control: no-cache
Authorization: {auth token}
User-Agent: {your custom user agent}
Response headers
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-Frame-Options: deny


Shell Geek

Jekyll Geek

Brew Geek

Chocolatey Geek

Node Geek

BigCommerce Geek

Google Cloud Geek


A spool can be most likened to a volume or book in that threads make up pages, where a spool can ascertain specific locations where Geeks were infantized, using the Paji and Cursor Geeks respectively. Paji specifies for uncommon keywords or commands you may not yet be familiar with, but has been identified as a Cursor Geek by Flash. Flash assists with real-time rendering and ephemeral changes. This creates a perpetual system via Relational and Non-Relational databases, as seen in our example mongoDb doc.


For each Geek, several inputs could be throughput as-is included with the example Geek. The reason "disc" or the equivalent of a hard-reset/disco is highly recommended, but not required falls on a few reasons:

The map command provides access to infinite tiers of districts, within reason unless things break which is cause to believe unreasonable in scope.

While a mechanism for invoking scope and difference of equation from the original scope of a project (or "District"), custom Districts can invoke their own commands via this CLI which can create interesting effects with APIs.


To create a District, it is required to have an accessible (via SSL and redirected to SSL) API (Example) which returns a valid JWT, and Orphic Enterprises provides base districts for these factors:


Sprites serve as directional input, whether intentional or unintentional, serving a focal point for where all attention has become interest with a beginning state of (0,0).


Geek: Declarative

I - Awake - Infant: Codebase

II - Growth - Rookie: Dependencies

III - Discovery - Champion: Config

Flash: Maximum Portability

IV - Trust - Angel: Backing Services

V - Truth - Fallen Angel: Build, Release, Run

VI - Magic - Version: Processes

Paji: Continuous Deployment

VII - Poetry - Distinct: Port Binding

VIII - Drive - Professional: Concurrency

IX - Will - Mega: Disposability

Cursor: Scale Up

X - Loyal - Penultimate: Dev/Prod Parity

XI - Enthusiasm - Ultimate: Logs

XII - Clarity - Awesome: Maximum Portability


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Orphic project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.