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OpenStax::Salesforce is a Rails engine used by OpenStax projects to communicate with the OpenStax Salesforce instance.


Add these line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'openstax_salesforce'

# ActiveForce fork that supports Ruby >= 2.1 and stubbable stdout
gem 'active_force', git: '', ref: '7caac17'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself:

$ gem install openstax_salesforce

Then execute the following command to copy the necessary migration and the initializer to your application:

$ rake openstax_salesforce:install

And then migrate your database:

$ rake db:migrate

Also add OpenStax::Salesforce to your application's routes:

mount OpenStax::Salesforce::Engine, at: "/salesforce"

The set_top_level_routes should be called at the top level inside routes.rb. It adds oauth callback routes at the top level.

And provide a link on your site for administrators to access the engine.

<%= link_to 'Salesforce Setup', openstax_salesforce_path %>


After installation, the initializer for OpenStax::Salesforce will be located under config/initializers/openstax_salesforce.rb. Make sure to configure it to suit your needs. Pay particular attention to authenticate_admin_proc, as you will be unable to access the setup pages until this proc is setup to return true for your admins.


From the gem's main folder, run bundle install, bundle exec rake db:migrate and then bundle exec rake to run all the specs.

Specs in Parent App

There's a helper you can include in your parent app's salesforce specs. It isn't automatically required by this engine, so you have to do it manually in your spec:

require 'openstax/salesforce/spec_helper'

If the oauth token in OpenStax::Salesforce::User.first expires, you can update it with


and then copy that token into your spec setup.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Create specs for your feature
  4. Ensure that all specs pass
  5. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  7. Create new pull request