OpenShift Origin Management Console

RubyGem: openshift-origin-console

The OpenShift Origin management console allow you to manage your OpenShift applications from the comfort of your browser or mobile phone. The console can run against OpenShift Origin or the hosted OpenShift server using the public REST API.

For more details about the console visit the OpenShift Origin open source community page.

Please stop by #openshift on if you have any questions or comments. For more information about OpenShift, visit or the OpenShift forum

Running the Console locally


  • ruby 1.9.3 or later
  • rubygems and bundler

Step 1: Extract the source

Step 2: Download the correct gems with Bundler

$ bundle install

You should see a success message indicating all of your gems have been installed:

$ bundle install
Using uglifier (1.2.7) 
Using webmock (1.6.4) 
Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.

Step 3: Point to your OpenShift Origin server for testing

The console needs an OpenShift server to run against - install using our LiveCD or in a VM with liveinst. Using a text editor create a file ~/.openshift/console.conf and give it the following contents:


The suffix is the DNS suffix used for applications, and defaults to

Step 4: Run the tests

$ bundle exec rake test

will execute our entire console test suite against your OpenShift Origin server.

Step 5: To actually launch the console, we'll run the included Rails application for OpenShift Origin.

$ cd test/rails_app
$ bundle exec rails s

You'll see the server start on port 3000 - hit http://localhost:3000 and provide credentials to log into your Origin server. Welcome to the management console!

Run it on production!

You can also run your console against our OpenShift hosted service using your own account. To run:

$ cd test/rails_app
$ CONSOLE_CONFIG_FILE=../../conf/openshift_console.conf bundle exec rails s

You will need to provide your own credentials to access the console.

Host it on OpenShift

Take it one step further and run OpenShift on OpenShift (note: we accept no responsibility for universe ending catastrophe).

  1. Create an application on OpenShift based on Ruby 1.9

    $ rhc app create -a console -t ruby-1.9
  2. Copy the contents of the OpenShift Origin console/ directory into your new application

    $ cp -R origin-server/console/* console/
    $ cd console
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m "Initial source from Origin"
    $ git push

    Note: this loses version history - there should be some Git-fu that makes this less painful.

  3. Visit the console on OpenShift and log in - you should see your applications presented.

Developing / Contributing

We expect code contributions to follow these standards:

  1. Ensure code matches the GitHub Ruby styleguide, except where the file establishes a different standard.
  2. We use Test::Unit with Rails extensions for all our test cases.
  3. We try to maintain 100% line coverage of all newly added model and controller code via testing. Coverage reports are generated if you have the simplecov gem installed after tests execute via bundle exec rake test.

Once you've made your changes:

  1. Fork the code
  2. Create a topic branch - git checkout -b my_branch
  3. Push to your branch - git push origin my_branch
  4. Create a Pull Request from your branch
  5. That's it!