
We use HTTParty to send SMS messages using the OpenMarket API. See USAGE below for details.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'openmarket'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install openmarket



The openmarket gem requires you to provide an id, password, program_id and short_code. Configure them before attempting any API calls.

OpenMarket.configure do |config| = "000-000-000-00000"
  config.password = "Re@llyL0ngR&om$tr1ng"
  config.program_id = "ABC"
  config.short_code = 99999 # You can override this on an individual message if necessary

Since the openmarket gem depends on sms_validation (, it is also recommended that you configure sms_validation. openmarket uses sms_validation's logger. In a Rails environment, you will probably want to rely on the default configuration, but outside of Rails, you will need to configure it if you want any logging:

SmsValidation.configure do |config|
  config.logger =

API calls

OpenMarket::API supports 3 API calls: carrier_lookup, send_sms, and status.


require  'openmarket'
phone = 2125551212
result = OpenMarket::API.carrier_lookup(phone)

# First, make sure the call succeeded
puts result.code # should be 0
puts result.description # should be 'No Error'

# If the call succeeded, you can check the carrier_id:
puts result.carrier_id # You are probably most interested in the carrier_id
puts result.inspect # But there are a lot of other attributes returned by this API call as well


require  'openmarket'
phone = 2125551212
message = "Hello, this is a test of the OpenMarket API"
result = OpenMarket::API.send_sms(phone, message)

# First, make sure the call succeeded
puts result.code # should be 2
puts result.description # should be 'Message received.'

# Save the ticket ID for later.  We'll use this to query the status of the ticket.
ticket_id = result.ticket_id

# Save the carrier ID for later.  We'll use this next time we send an SMS to this number.
carrier_id = result.carrier_id

# There are some options you can pass along as well:
result = OpenMarket::API.send_sms(

  # If you want to receive DR's, you must pass a dr_url option.  If you don't pass a URL, no DR will be sent to the default URL.
  dr_url: "",

  # It is highly recommended to pass a carrier_id.  If you don't, the openmarket gem will make an extra API call to look up the carrier before sending the message.
  carrier_id: carrier_id, # Remember the carrier ID we saved from the previous SMS?

  # If you don't want to the short_code you configured above, provide another short_code to send to:
  short_code: 33333,

  # By default, OpenMarket re-attempts delivery for 3 days.  To make OpenMarket give up and report it as a failure sooner, pass a number of minutes you would like to retry for:
  minutes_to_retry: 120, # 2 hours

  note: "Information that will be passed on to the DR",

  ticket_id_for_retry: ticket_id # If this is a re-try of a failed ticket.


require  'openmarket'
result = OpenMarket::API.status(ticket_id) # Remember the ticket ID we saved from #send_sms?

# First, make sure the call succeeded
puts result.code # should be 0
puts result.description # should be 'No Error'

# Check the result of the SMS message
puts result.status_code
puts result.status_description

Processing MO's

require  'openmarket/mo'
# In a Rails controller or Sinatra app environment, params will be defined
mo =['xml'])
puts mo.inspect
# Do something with the MO...

# Just send a HTTP 200
render nothing: true # Rails
return [200] # Sinatra

Processing DR's

require  'openmarket/dr'
# In a Rails controller or Sinatra app environment, params will be defined
dr =['xml'])
puts dr.inspect
# Do something with the DR...

# Just send a HTTP 200
render nothing: true # Rails
return [200] # Sinatra


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