
OpenapiFirst helps to implement HTTP APIs based on an OpenApi API description. The idea is that you create an API description first, then add minimal code about your business logic (some call this "handler") and be done.


Start with writing an OpenAPI file that describes the API, which you are about to write. Use a validator to make sure the file is valid.

We recommend saving the file as openapi/openapi.yaml.

Now implement your API:

module Pets
  def self.find_pet(params, res)
      id: params['id'],
      name: 'Oscar'

# In
require 'openapi_first'
run'./openapi/openapi.yaml', namespace: Pets)

The above will:

  • Validate the request and respond with 400 if the request does not match with your API description
  • Map the request to a method call Pets.find_pet based on the operationId in the API description
  • Set the response content type according to your spec (here with the default status code 200)

Resolver functions (find_pet) are called with two arguments:

  • params - Holds the parsed request body, filtered query params and path parameters
  • res - Holds a Rack::Response that you can modify if needed If you want to access to plain Rack env you can call params.env.

You can also use the provided Rack middlewares to auto-implement only certain aspects of the request-response flow like query parameter or request body parameter validation based on your OpenAPI file. Read on to learn how.

Handling only certain paths

You can filter the URIs that should be handled by pass ing only to OpenapiFirst.load:

spec = OpenapiFirst.load './openapi/openapi.yaml', only: '/pets'.method(:==)
run, namespace: Pets)

Usage as Rack middleware

# Just like the above, except the last line
# ...
run OpenapiFirst.middleware('./openapi/openapi.yaml', namespace: Pets)

When using the middleware, all requests that are not part of the API description will be passed to the next app.

Try it out

See example


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'openapi_first'

OpenapiFirst uses multi_json.

How it works

OpenapiFirst offers Rack middlewares to auto-implement different aspects for request handling:

  • Request validation
  • Mapping request to a function call

It starts by adding a router middleware:

spec = OpenapiFirst.load('petstore.yaml')
use OpenapiFirst::Router, spec: spec

If the request is not valid, these middlewares return a 400 status code with a body that describes the error. If unkwon routes in your application exist, which are not specified in the API description, set :allow_unknown_operation to true.

The error responses conform with JSON:API.

Here's an example response body for a missing query parameter "search":

http-status: 400
content-type: "application/vnd.api+json"

  "errors": [
      "title": "is missing",
      "source": {
        "parameter": "search"

Request validation

# Add the middleware:
use OpenapiFirst::RequestValidation

Query parameter validation

By default OpenapiFirst does not allow additional query parameters and will respond with 400 if additional parameters are sent. You can allow additional parameters with allow_allow_unknown_query_parameters: true:

The middleware filteres all top-level query parameters and adds these to the Rack env: env[OpenapiFirst::QUERY_PARAMS]. If you want to forbid nested query parameters you will need to use additionalProperties: false in your query parameter JSON schema.

OpenapiFirst always treats query parameters like style: deepObject, but it just works with nested objects (filter[foo][bar]=baz) (see this discussion).

Request body validation

The middleware will return a 415 if the requests content type does not match or 400 if the request body is invalid. This will add the parsed request body to env[OpenapiFirst::REQUEST_BODY].


Mapping the request to a method call

OpenapiFirst uses a OperationResolver middleware to map the HTTP request to a method call.

The resolver function is found via the operationId attribute in your API description like this:

  • create_pet will map to MyApi.create_pet(params, response)
  • some_things.create will map to MyApi::SomeThings.create(params, response)
  • pets#create will map to, response) (like Hanami::Router)

These handler methods are called with two arguments:

  • params - Holds the parsed request body, filtered query params and path parameters
  • res - Holds a Rack::Response that you can modify if needed

You can call params.env to access the Rack env (just like in Hanami actions)

There are two ways to set the response body:

  • Calling res.write "things" (see Rack::Response)
  • Returning a value from the function (see example above) (this will always converted to JSON)

Adding the middleware

# Define some methods
module MyApi
  def self.create_pet(params, res)
    res.status = 201
      id: '1',
      name: params['name']

# Add the middleware:
use OpenapiFirst::OperationResolver, namespace: MyApi
# If the operation was not found in the OAS file, the next app will be called

# OR use it as a Rack app via `run`:
run OpenapiFirst::OperationResolver, namespace: Pets
# If the operation was not found, this will return 404

# Now make a request like
# POST /pets, { name: 'Oscar' }

Response validation

Response validation is useful to make sure your app responds as described in your API description. You usually do this in your tests using rack-test.

# In your test (rspec example):
require 'openapi_first'
spec = OpenapiFirst.load('petstore.yaml')
validator =

expect(validator.validate(last_request, last_response).errors).to be_empty


(This is a bit experimental. Please try it out and give feedback.)

OpenapiFirst::Coverage helps you make sure, that you have called all endpoints of your OAS file when running tests via rack-test.

# In your test (rspec example):
require 'openapi_first/coverage'

describe MyApp do
  include Rack::Test::Methods

  before(:all) do
    spec = OpenapiFirst.load('petstore.yaml')
    @app_wrapper =, spec)

  after(:all) do
    message = "The following paths have not been called yet: #{@app_wrapper.to_be_called}"
    expect(@app_wrapper.to_be_called).to be_empty

  # Overwrite `#app` to make rack-test call the wrapped app
  def app

  it 'does things' do
    get '/i/my/stuff'
    # …


Currently out of scope.


This gem is inspired by committee, which has much more features like response stubs or support for Hyper-Schema or OpenAPI 2.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to

Run benchmarks

cd benchmarks
bundle exec ruby benchmarks.rb


If you have a question or an idea or found a bug don't hesitate to create an issue on GitHub.

Pull requests are very welcome as well, of course. Feel free to create a "draft" pull request early on, even if your change is still work in progress. 🤗