
This gem is a wrapper for calling the OpenAI and GPT-3 APIs.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'openai-client'

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install openai-client


require 'openai-client'

Openai::Client.configure do |c|
  c.access_token    = 'access_token'
  c.organization_id = 'organization_id' # optional

OpenAI Models API

# Models

# Find a Model

OpenAI Completions API

request_body = {
  model: 'text-davinci-003',
  prompt: 'Say this is a test',
  max_tokens: 7,
  temperature: 0,
  top_p: 1,
  n: 1,
  stream: false,
  logprobs: nil,
  stop: "\n"

Request body documentation

OpenAI Edits API

request_body = {
  model: 'text-davinci-edit-001',
  input: 'What day of the wek is it?',
  instruction: 'Fix the spelling mistakes'

Request body documentation

OpenAI Image API

Create an Image

request_body = {
  prompt: 'A cute baby sea otter',
  n: 1,                  # between 1 and 10
  size: '1024x1024',     # 256x256, 512x512, or 1024x1024
  response_format: 'url' # url or b64_json
response = Openai::Client.images.create(request_body)

Request body documentation

Create an Image Edit

request_body = {
  image: '/absolute/path/to/image/you/want/to/change/img.png'
  mask: '/absolute/path/to/mask.png'
  prompt: 'A cute baby sea otter wearing a beret',
  n: 1,                  # between 1 and 10
  size: '1024x1024',     # 256x256, 512x512, or 1024x1024
  response_format: 'url' # url or b64_json
response = Openai::Client.images.edit(request_body)
  • image - must be a valid PNG file, less than 4MB, and square. If mask is not provided, image must have transparency, which will be used as the mask.
  • mask - an additional image whose fully transparent areas (e.g. where alpha is zero) indicate where image should be edited. Must be a valid PNG file, less than 4MB, and have the same dimensions as image.

Request body documentation

Create an Image Variation

request_body = {
  image: '/absolute/path/to/image.png'
  n: 1,                  # between 1 and 10
  size: '1024x1024',     # 256x256, 512x512, or 1024x1024
  response_format: 'url' # url or b64_json
response = Openai::Client.images.variations(request_body)
  • image - must be a valid PNG file, less than 4MB, and square.

Request body documentation

OpenAI Embeddings API

request_body = {
  model: 'text-embedding-ada-002',
  input: 'The food was delicious and the waiter...'

Request body documentation


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.