Open Source Stats

A quick script to generate metrics about the contribution your organization makes to the open source community in a 24-hour period.

What it looks at

  • Public activity across all public repositories from members of a given team
  • Public activity across all users on repositories owned by a given organization or organizations

How it works

By doing terrible, terrible things to GitHub's events API.


  1. gem install open_source_stats
  2. Create a .env file and add the following:
    • GITHUB_TOKEN - A personal access token with read:org scope
    • GITHUB_TEAM_ID - The numeric ID of the team to pull users from (e.g., 12345)
    • GITHUB_ORGS - A comma separated list of the orgs to look at (e.g, github,atom)
  3. Run bundle exec oss

This will spit markdown formatted results into standard out.


Output might look something like this...

Metric Count
Repositories created 6
Issue comments 309
Issues opened 40
Issues closed 30
Repos open sourced 1
Pull requests opened 32
Pull requests merged 35
Versions released 3
Pushes 442
Commits 1548
Total events 945

Metrics will also be broken down by organization, by user, and by repository