
No need to write those ruby require "this" require "that" in your opal code everywhere.


add the following to Gemfile: ruby gem 'opal-autoloader' and bundle install


after loading opal ruby require 'opal-autoloader' Of course, it must be made sure, that used files are included during compilation, for example by using: ruby require_tree 'components'


The look up paths can be added, for example: ruby Opal::Autoloader.add_load_path('components') These are the module path prefixes as used in the Opal.modules array. Constants will be looked up there, if they cannot be found directly. For example a constant My::Component will be looked up in Opal.modules directly, in the module ‘my/component’, if it cannot be found there, it will be looked up as ‘components/my/component’, and so on.


This was originally a port of the rails autoloader.