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File storage and shortener server.

OmniFiles is built with Sinatra and Rack and uses an Mongo database to store shortened urls and statistics.


OmniFiles is a Sinatra/Rack application and can be used as a gem or as a server in local directory.

As a gem

  1. Install a gem

    gem install omnifiles
  2. Point an env variable OMNIFILES_SETTINGS to location of a settings file /path/to/settings.yaml (see Configurarion).

  3. Start an app as a Thin server

    OMNIFILES_SETTINGS=/path/to/settings.yaml omnifiles

    Of course, you can provide any additional Thin options at command line:

    OMNIFILES_SETTINGS=/path/to/settings.yaml omnifiles -p 3000

    Or at config file (see Thin documentation):

    OMNIFILES_SETTINGS=/path/to/settings.yaml omnifiles -C /path/to/thin.yaml

As a rack app

OmniFiles can be started using with you favourite Rack server.

  1. Clone a git repo

  2. Install dependencies

    bundle install
  3. Point an env variable OMNIFILES_SETTINGS to location of a settings file /path/to/settings.yaml (see Configurarion).

  4. Start Rack app



Settings file template can be found at config/settings.yaml.example.

If you prefer production Rack environment, please use production instead of development section in the config. Also specify -E production at omnifiles (actially Thin) command line.

If you prefer to run omnifiles as a daemon, don't forget to set log and pid location. Author prefer to follow XDG and place all the files at the ~/.local/share/omnifiles, including the database. So one can use following command line:

OMNIFILES_SETTINGS=$HOME/.local/share/omnifiles/settings.yaml omnifiles start -d -a -p 3000 \
  -l $HOME/.local/share/omnifiles/omnifiles.log \
  -P $HOME/.local/share/omnifiles/

Complex Thin options can be hidden in Thin config.yaml file:

OMNIFILES_SETTINGS=$HOME/.local/share/omnifiles/settings.yaml omnifiles start -C $HOME/.local/share/omnifiles/thin.yaml

Note that OmniFiles and Thin configs are two distinct configs.


  1. Storing files. OmniFiles can store files by issuing an authenticated POST form request:

    % curl --digest -u user:secret -F "file=@/path/to/file.jpg" 'http://localhost:3000/store'

    Or you can post a file just as a binary POST data:

    % curl --digest -u user:secret -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --data-binary "@/path/to/file.jpg" 'http://localhost:3000/store'

    OmniFiles returns a short url in response so you can just issue following command to save URL in clipboard

    % curl --digest -u user:secret -F "file=@/path/to/file.jpg" 'http://localhost:3000/store' | pbcopy
  2. Accessing files. Just access given URL:

    % curl http://localhost:3000/f/e63A12

    OmniFiles remembers MIME type and composes a correct typed response. Header X-Original-Filename contains escaped original filename.

  3. Viewing statistics. OmniFiles provides file access statistics using authenticated requests. Visit an url using web browser or curl.

  4. Control panel. Viewing and deleting stored files can be performed at control panel:


License information

Please consult with the LICENSE.txt for license information. It is MIT by the way.