
Gem Version Maintainability

Omnibar is a tool for quick access to multiple scripts and searches.


Install as:

$ gem install omnibar


Run omnibar and start typing. Use the arrow keys to select the result you like, and press enter to go!

Read about an optimal omnibar setup in the wiki: Omnibar & i3


Omnibar is powered by queries. These are the built-in ones:

Name Description
Calculate Evaluate math expressions (powered by Math module)
Emoji Search for emojis by name
Spell Fuzzy search for the correct spelling of a word
System Run system commands like sleep, reboot, and shutdown
Snippet Access named user-provided snippets
GitHub Access user-provided GitHub repos, or quick open a repo
Popular Access user-provided popular websites
DuckDuckGo Search via Duck Duck Go
Google Search via Google


Omnibar looks at the file ~/.omnibar to configure the app. This file is executed as ruby.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

Omnibar.configure do |omnibar|
  omnibar.key = "value"
Config Key Type Default
queries Array Every class that inherits from Query
github.repos Array []
popular.sites Array []
snippets Hash { 'shrug' => '¯\_(ツ)_/¯' }
render.prompt Lambda / String ->(width) { ('-' * width) << '>' }
render.highlight.fg Symbol :black Symbol :yellow
events.after_start Lambda -> {}
events.after_perform Lambda -> {}

Create your own queries by adding the code to your config file. Your class simply needs to extend from Omnibar::Query

class MyQuery < Omnibar::Query
  def result
    # The string that should be displayed inside the preview
    # If this is null, the query won't be included

    input # The current input value

  def perform!
    # Execute the query

    copy_to_clipboard input
    open_in_browser "https://#{input}"

If you think other people might like your query, please feel free to submit a pull reqest. I'm open to including any good ideas.

If you don't want a query to run, delete it from Omnibar.queries.

OS Limitations

This gem has been developed on Ubuntu, and should work on most linux distributions. All the code is in ruby, but there are several dependencies that are linux-only.

Library Usage Notes
xdg-open Opening urls and files
GNU aspell Spell checking and suggestions Possibly installable on OS X using homebrew


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.