OmniAuth: Standardized Multi-Provider Authentication

OmniAuth is a new Rack-based authentication system for multi-provider external authentcation. OmniAuth is built from the ground up on the philosophy that authentication is not the same as identity, and is based on two observations:

OmniAuthChina (omniauth_china)

OmniAuth China is an extention of OmniAuth, it addes Open ID providers in China such as Douban, Sina, Sohu, 163, Tencent, Renren, etc.


To install OmniAuthChina, simply install the gem:

gem install omniauth_china


OmniAuth currently supports the following external providers:


Run the generator to generate xd_receiver.html and include helper into ApplicationHelper:

rails g omniauth_renren:install

Place the Renren Connect button on any page by simply call omniauth_renren_connect_button:

<%= omniauth_renren_connect_button %>

Route /auth/renren to the page that contain Renren Connect button:

match '/auth/renren' => 'users#show'


OmniAuth is a collection of Rack middleware. To use a single strategy, you simply need to add the middleware:

require 'oa-oauth'
use OmniAuth::Strategies::Twitter, 'CONSUMER_KEY', 'CONSUMER_SECRET'

Now to initiate authentication you merely need to redirect the user to /auth/twitter via a link or other means. Once the user has authenticated to Twitter, they will be redirected to /auth/twitter/callback. You should build an endpoint that handles this URL, at which point you will will have access to the authentication information through the omniauth.auth parameter of the Rack environment. For example, in Sinatra you would do something like this:

get '/auth/twitter/callback' do
  auth_hash = request.env['omniauth.auth']

The hash in question will look something like this:

  'uid' => '12356',
  'provider' => 'twitter',
  'user_info' => {
    'name' => 'User Name',
    'nickname' => 'username',
    # ...

The user_info hash will automatically be populated with as much information about the user as OmniAuth was able to pull from the given API or authentication provider.


Write better tests!!