
A lightweight wrapper around Github's v3 API


gem 'octoplex'


Octoplex provides both authenticated and unauthenticated usage, however authenticated usage assumes you have acquired an OAuth token for your user from another service, e.g. using Omniauth and Devise.

If you haven't already done so, register your application with the Github API at https://github.com/account/applications


Initialise the client with an auth token:

Octoplex.client(:token => "OAUTH_TOKEN")

Request this users details:


Request a specific users details:


All client methods are designed to match closely to the Github v3 API REST methods.

Example: Calling Octoplex.user will make an API call equivalent to GET /user

Alternatively you can use Octoplex as a connection wrapper for the API:


All requests return a Hashr object or Array of Hashr objects

All requests on the new v3 API are rate limited, to find out your current usage you can query these two methods after each request:

Octoplex.rate_limit #=> 5000
Octoplex.rate_limit_remaining #=> 4999

Language note

This library is written in International English, so if you're wondering why we've swapped your Zs for S, and added a U to colour – get a dictionary.