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Github hook proxy server of Sinatra Framework.

You can write about request destination in Ruby DSL


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'octogate'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install octogate


  • Ruby-2.0.0 or later

Event Capability

  • Push Event
  • PullRequest Event
  • PullRequest Review Comment Event
  • Issues Event
  • Issue Comment Event


Write config.rb.

token "token_string"

target "jenkins" do
  hook_type [:push]
  url "http://targethost.dev/job/JobName"
  http_method :post

  parameter_type :query
  params key1: "value1", key2: "value2"

  match ->(event) {
    event.ref =~ /master/
# if event type is push and event.ref contains "master",
# octogate requests "http://targethost.dev/job/JobName" via POST method, request body is {key1: "value1, key2: "value2"} params

target "json_params" do
  hook_type [:push, :pull_request]
  url "http://targethost.dev/job/JobName"
  http_method :post

  parameter_type :json
  params key1: "value1", key2: "value2"

  match ->(event) {
    case event
    when Octogate::Event::PullRequest
      event.try(:pull_request).try(:head).try(:ref) =~ /json_params/
    when Octogate::Event::Push
      event.ref =~ /json_params/
# if event type is push or pull_request, and ref name contains "json_params",
# octogate requests "http://targethost.dev/job/JobName" via POST method, body is {key1: "value1, key2: "value2"} as JSON FORMAT

More sample is hear

And launch server.

% bundle exec octogate -h
Usage: octogate [options]
    -c config                        Set config file (default = ./config.rb)
    -p port                          Set port number (default = 4567)
    -o address                       Set address to bind (default =

% bundle exec octogate -c config.rb
# => Endpoint is http://hostname:4567/token_string

Config DSL Reference

Global definitions

name arg description
token String set token used as endpoint url.
ssl_verify Boolean if set false, make disable SSL verification. (if target uses self-signed certificate)
target String and Block String is target name. Block is target definition block.

Target definitions

name arg description
hook_type Array (value is event type) set hook event (default = [:push])
url String set destination URL
http_method Symbol set HTTP method when octogate request target.
parameter_type :query or :json :query = use form parameter or get query parameter, :json = serialize payload by json format (default = :query)
params Hash or Proc set payload parameters. if pass Proc instance, call with event instance and use result
match Boolean or Proc if this value is set, then transfer process is executed only when the evaluation result is truthy.
username String set Basic Auth username
password String set Basic Auth password

Event type

name class name
:push Octogate::Event::Push
:pull_request Octogate::Event::PullRequest
:pull_request_review_comment Octogate::Event::PullRequestReviewComment
:issues Octogate::Event::Issue
:issue_comment Octogate::Event::IssueComment

Event instance is Mash subclass. it has same data with the payload sent by GitHub Hook.

ref. Event Types | GitHub API

Hosting on Heroku

Create directory and bundle init.

% mkdir your-app-dir
% cd your-app-dir
% bundle init

Write Gemfile and bundle install.

gem "octogate"
gem "thin"
bundle install --path .bundle

Write Procfile

web: bundle exec octogate -c ./config.rb -p $PORT

Write config at ./config.rb

% vim config.rb

Create git repository.

% git init .
% echo ".bundle" > .gitignore
% git commit -am "init"

Create Heroku app and push it.

% heroku create your-app-name
% git push heroku master


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/joker1007/octogate/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request