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gem 'numbers_in_words'

require 'numbers_in_words'
require 'numbers_in_words/duck_punch' #optional see why later

This project was created for a test for a job interview. I haven't really used it myself, but I saw it mentioned somewhere so I thought I'd tidy it up a bit.


require 'numbers_in_words'

#=> one hundred and twelve

NumbersInWords.in_numbers("one googol")

NumbersInWords.in_numbers("Seventy million, five-hundred and fifty six thousand point eight nine three")
#=> 70556000.893

Monkey patch version

require 'numbers_in_words'
require 'numbers_in_words/duck_punch'
#=> one hundred and twelve

"one googol".in_numbers

"Seventy million, five-hundred and fifty six thousand point eight nine three".in_numbers
#=> 70556000.893

NoMethodError in_words or in_numbers

I'm going to hopefully preempt some support queries by predicting this will happen:

You've got one of:

NoMethodError: undefined method `in_words' for 123:Fixnum
NoMethodError: undefined method `in_numbers' for "123":String

Previous versions of this gem duckpunched Fixnum and String with a whole bunch of methods. This gem will now only add methods if you specifically tell it to with:

require 'numbers_in_words'
require 'numbers_in_words/duck_punch'

Plus it now only adds a single #in_words method to Numeric and an #in_numbers method to String instead of a whole bunch of them.

Future plans

  • Handle complex numbers
  • Option for outputting punctuation
  • Reject invalid numbers
  • Support for other languages