Number To Indian Currency Helper

This gem adds number_to_indian_currency helper method which formats number to the indian style. Also provides css support to show rupee symbol along-with the formatted number.


gem install number_to_indian_currency

Using Bundler

gem 'number_to_indian_currency'

Add following line to the layout

stylesheet_link_tag 'rupees'

Example Usage

number_to_indian_currency(2000) => "Rs.2,000"
number_to_indian_currency(2040.50, text: 'Rs. ') => "Rs. 2,040.5"
number_to_indian_currency(1222040.54, text: 'Rupee: ') => "Rupee: 12,22,040.54"
number_to_indian_currency(9921, web_rupee: true) => "<span class="WebRupee">Rs.</span> 9,921"

thats, all

any sugestions? email me sandip at released under the MIT license