by Jon Moses



NServer is a set of classes that provide a flexible notification system for
Linux based systems. It sits in the systray, waiting for messages to be
submitted for display. X.org standards (via Gtk) and libnotify are used.

Messages can be submitted from the localhost, or via remote hosts, depending
on settings.


* Persistent server with notification queueing
* Uses X.org SYSTRAY specification (via gtk2)


=== Server Example:

If you have the Daemons ruby gem installed, simply run:

% nserver start

This starts a persistent NServer::Server instance on port 10001.

If you want to customize the bind ip or port:

% nserver start --bind-ip x.x.x.x --allow y.y.y.y,z.z.z.z/24

=== Client Example:

Assuming you have a NServer::Server instance running, you can use the client like this:

require 'rubygems'
require 'nserver'

NServer::Client.notify("My test message goes here").

There is also support for building messages to send.

require 'nserver'

msg = NServer::Message.new
msg.text = "My text"
msg.title = "Test Message"

NServer::Client.notify( msg )

Or, if you want a easy command line client:

% nclient "Message"


% nclient "Urgent message" -p critical

If you're NServer is listening on another mahcine, you can:

% nclient --host y.y.y.y "My message"


* daemons
* rnotify
* gtk
* yaml


% gem install nserver


NServer is released under the GPL. Text is available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html