
This gem installs the software called Slates.

Slates is a simple notetaking program that uses a commandline. Multiple sets of slates(notes) are available to the program and can be accessed with both the command line and the buttons.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'nota_nuc'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install nota_nuc

Slates will only work on linux systems and has only been tested on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

Slates requires ruby 2.0.0 but may work with newer versions of ruby as well.

After you have installed this gem, to see if you have the correct gems installed, you can run bundle check which will then ask you to install any gems you may be missing.

To use this program, you first need to create the database. To create the database run ruby create_db_Penrhyn.rb from the db directory in the directory of the gem.


To run this program, use the following command: ruby final_eye.rb from the lib directory.


You can find this project at