Nexmo Rack Middleware

This repo contains Rack middleware that can be used to help integrate Nexmo in to your Rack-based application. It currently contains the following middleware:

Installation and Usage

The verify signature middleware can be used standalone or integrated into a Ruby application. The middleware will return a 403 HTTP status code if the signature is not valid, and will continue the application if it is valid.


You'll need to provide a Nexmo signature secret and signature method using either ENV variables or the Rails credentials system.

.env example:

NEXMO_SIGNATURE_SECRET = 'your_secret_key'

Alternatively, you can specify them in the Rails credentials system

EDITOR="code --wait" rails credentials:edit

You can replace the EDITOR variable with your preferred editor. Once the credentials file is open, you are able to add the Nexmo credentials with the following namespacing:

    signature_secret: your_secret_key
    signature_method: md5hash

Finally, this middleware will ignore any requests that do not contain a sig key. To enforce all requests to be validated, set NEXMO_SIGNATURE_REQUIRED to true in the environment.

As a standalone application

Install the gem on your system:

$ gem install nexmo_rack

Then require it from within your Rack configuration:

use Nexmo::Rack::VerifySignature

An example can be found in the examples folder. More information on getting up and running with Rack can be found at the Rack GitHub repository.

Mounted into a Rails Application

Require it in your Gemfile:

gem nexmo_rack

And then add the middleware to your config/application.rb file to initialize it with your application:

config.middleware.use Nexmo::Rack::VerifySignature


We ❤️ contributions from everyone! Bug reports, bug fixes and feedback on the library is always appreciated. Look at the Contributor Guidelines for more information.


This project is under the MIT LICENSE.