# newstile

newstile is newstile-parser. It is forked off Thomas Leitner’s markdown parser kramdown, and modified to support the newstile syntax. Newstile is a markdown dialect optimized for fast typing on mobile devices like iPhone and Android phones.

The syntax definition can be found in doc/syntax.page, a quick reference in doc/quickref.page. All the documentation is available online at newstile.rubyforge.org.

# Usage

newstile has a basic *Cloth API, so using newstile is as easy as

require 'newstile'


# Development

Just clone the git repository as described in doc/installation.page you are good to go. You probably want to install ‘rake` so that you can use the provided rake tasks. Aside from that:

  • The ‘tidy` binary needs to be installed for the automatically derived tests to work.

  • The ‘latex` binary needs to be installed for the latex-compilation tests to work.

# License

See the COPYING file.