
Newport is a Ruby Gem for building a single file blog/static site.

Getting Started

  • gem install newport
  • newport new <path>
  • cd <path>
  • newport build


Plugins are available in the plugins directory and are pure javascript. Plugins are run after the page loads and can modify the contents.


For example the expander plugin will loop through your posts and show n number of paragraphs for each one and hide the rest, adding a down arrow to click to expand and show the full post.


Set the variable show in pagination.js to the number of posts you want to display per page. The plugin will automatically add an arrow to click to show more.

Add a hash to the end of each post that links to the permanent location for that post.

Dark Mode

Shows a light/dark toggle to toggle between light mode and dark mode. It uses cookies to remember your selection. There are some css variables that you can change for light/dark mode in style.css