Behavior-driven development (BDD) consists of five steps:

  1. Describe behavior in plain text
  2. Write a step definition
  3. Run and watch it fail
  4. Write code to make the step pass
  5. Run again and see the step pass

Neverfails is a proof of concept to reduce this list to two steps:

  1. Describe behaviour in plain text
  2. Run and watch it pass

With neverfails, step definitions do not simply check whether the existing code satifies the required behaviour or not. They also write the code to make them pass.

Neverfails involves an ambitious idea: code generation based on specifications. This idea does not depend on a specific platform or programming language. In principle, it could be implemented with any framework. The current claudiob/neverfails@rails branch uses Rails as a web framework and Ruby as the programming language. The master claudiob/neverfails@master branch, on the other hand, is investigating the same approach using Python and Django.

Behavior-driven development in Rails

Before approaching neverfails, it is important to understand how Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) typically takes place within a Rails project.

Step 1 (Describe behavior in plain text)

Say we want to create a web store for a grocery store, with a distinct page for each product. The apples page, for instance, will list the types and quantities of apples currently in store, showing "No apples left" if there are none left in the market. This scenario can be described as:

Feature: Apples
  Scenario: No apples left
    Given there are no apples
    When I browse the list of apples
    Then I should see the text "No apples left"

Having described behavior in plain text, we create a blank Rails project and make use of cucumber and capybara to run the steps.

The following commands set up a new grocery Rails project with a basic SQLite database, and a bundle installation with cucumber and capybara:

rails new grocery -JT
cd grocery
rm public/index.html
rm public/images/rails.png
echo -e '\ngem "cucumber"' >> Gemfile
echo -e '\ngem "cucumber-rails"' >> Gemfile
bundle install
rails g cucumber:install
echo "require 'cucumber/rails'
Capybara.default_selector = :css
ActionController::Base.allow_rescue = false" >| features/support/env.rb
sed -i '' -e's/<<: \*test/<<: *development/' config/database.yml
rake db:create
echo -e "Feature: Apples
Scenario: No apples left
    Given there are no apples
    When I browse the list of apples
    Then I should see the text \"No apples left\"
" > features/apples.feature

Step 2 (Write step definitions)

To make Rails aware of what the actions in the scenario actually mean, we can either write new step definitions, or import some library that translates common actions into Python commands. One such popular library for Web applications is capybara.

For the sake of the grocery example, we define the three steps of the No apples left scenario as follows:

  • Given there are no apples: this step passes if a model called 'Apple' exist and if there are no instances of this model in the database
  • When I browse the list of apples: this step passes if a page exists listing apples and if I can open that page in a browser
  • Then I should see the text "No apples left": this step passes if I see the text "No apples left" in that page

The file fails_steps.rb in this package contains these definition in Ruby and capybara code.

Step 3 (Run and watch it fail)

The following commands copy the content of this file in the project and run the steps again:

echo -e "# MODELS

Given /^there are no (\\S+?)\$/ do |objects|
  model_name = objects.classify
  Given \"there is a model called #{model_name}\"
  Given \"there are no instances of that model\"

Given /^(?:|there is )a model called (.+?)\$/ do |model_name|
  assert ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.include?(model_name.tableize), 
    \"No model found called #{model_name}\"
  @last_model = model_name.constantize

Given /^(?:|there are )no instances of that model\$/ do


When /^I browse the list of (.+?)\$/ do |models|
  Given \"there is a page listing #{models}\"
  When \"I navigate to that page\"

Given /^there is a page listing (.+?)\$/ do |models|
  Given \"there is a page with URL /#{models}\"

Given /^there is a page with URL (.+?)\$/ do |url|
  assert Rails.application.routes.routes.collect(&:conditions).
    collect{|route| route[:path_info] =~ url }.any?, 
    \"No URL pattern found matching #{url}\"
  \$last_url = url

When /^I navigate to that page\$/ do 
  visit \$last_url


Then /^I should see the text \"([^\"]*)\"\$/ do |text|
    page.should have_content(text)
  rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError => e
    raise e.class, \"The text \\\"#{text}\\\" was not found in the current page\"
" > features/step_definitions/fails_steps.rb
cucumber RAILS_ENV=development

The result is the following, indicating that the first step has failed:

No model found called Apple. (Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError)

Step 4 (Write code to make the three steps pass)

To make the first step pass, we need to create an Apple model and store it in the database:

rails g model apple             
rake db:migrate
cucumber RAILS_ENV=development

The result is now the following, indicating that the second step has failed:

No URL pattern found matching /apples. (Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError)

To make the second step pass, we need to create a URL pattern matching "apples/" that points to a blank HTML page:

rails g controller Apples index
sed -i '' '  
/get "apples\/index"/ a\
    match "/apples" => "apples#index"
' config/routes.rb
cucumber RAILS_ENV=development

The result is now the following, indicating that the third step has failed:

The text "No apples" left was not found in the current page (Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError)

To make the third step pass, we need to add the text "No apples left" to the page that lists apples:

echo "No apples left" >| app/views/apples/index.html.erb
cucumber RAILS_ENV=development

Step 5 (Run again and see the step pass)

Finally, the three steps pass and running them again returns the message:

Feature: Apples
  Scenario: No apples left
    Given there are no apples
    When I browse the list of apples
    Then I should see the text "No apples left"

1 feature (1 passed)
3 steps (3 passed)

Neverfails does all of this, so you don't have to (TO COMPLETE)

The grocery example shows that Behaviour-Driven Development is time-consuming even for very small applications, with an empty model and a view showing one sentence. Time is spent watching the tests fail and writing snippets of code that are common to every web application (creating a model, filling view with text and so on).

Neverfails reduces this time by automatically creating the missing snippets of code when a step fails.

Step 1 (Describe behavior in plain text)

Continuing with the grocery example, say we want to add this new scenario:

Feature: Bananas
  Scenario: No bananas left
    Given there are no bananas
    When I browse the list of bananas
    Then I should see the text "No bananas left"

The following commands add the previous scenario to the grocery project and include neverfails to the project:

echo -e "Feature: Bananas\n\tScenario: No bananas left\n\t\tGiven there are no bananas\n\t\tWhen I browse the list of bananas\n\t\tThen I should see the text \"No bananas left\"" > features/bananas.feature
echo -e '\ngem "neverfails"' >> Gemfile
bundle install
echo -e "\nrequire 'neverfails'" >> features/support/env.rb
echo -e "\nRails.configuration.cache_classes = false" >> features/support/env.rb

Step 2 (Run and watch it pass)

Both the apples and the bananas scenario can be run with the command:

cucumber features/

The apples scenario passes since we already wrote all its required. The bananas scenario, though, passes as well:

Feature: Apples
  Scenario: No apples left
    Given there are no apples
    When I browse the list of apples
    Then I should see the text "No apples left"

Feature: Bananas
  Scenario: No bananas left
    Given there are no bananas
Creating tables ...
Creating table bananas_banana
Installing custom SQL ...
Installing indexes ...
    When I browse the list of bananas
    Then I should see the text "No bananas left"

2 features (2 passed)
2 scenarios (2 passed)
6 steps (6 passed)

How neverfails works

With neverfails, all the steps are parsed by cucumber as normal. However, if a step fails, neverfails does not raise an AssertionError but runs the code to make the step pass, then runs the step again.

So far, neverfails is only able to recognize the three kinds of step included in the grocery sample project: creating a model, creating a view, adding text to that view. This is why I call neverfails a proof of concept. If other people find this project interesting (or if I get more time to work on this), then neverfails will grow up to the point where people with no programming experience will be able to create complex web applications by describing what they wish for.

Installing neverfails

To follow the example described above, you need rails and bundler installed on your machine. The following commands will install these packages, given you already have Ruby installed with rubygems enabled:

gem install rails
gem install bundler

The actual neverfails gem can either be downloaded from GitHub or installed by adding the following to the Rails project's Gemfile:

gem 'neverfails'

and the running:

bundle install