Neovim Ruby

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Ruby bindings for Neovim.

Warning: This project follows Semantic Versioning, thus its API should be considered unstable until it reaches v1.0.0 (spec).


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem "neovim"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install neovim


You can control a running nvim process by connecting to $NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS. For example, to connect to nvim over a UNIX domain socket, start it up like this:

“ell $ NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS=/tmp/nvim.sock nvim

You can then connect to that socket path to get a Neovim::Client:

“by require “neovim” client = Neovim.attach_unix(“/tmp/nvim.sock”)

Refer to the Neovim docs for other ways to connect to nvim, and the Neovim::Client docs for a summary of the client interface.


Plugins are Ruby files loaded from the $VIMRUNTIME/rplugin/ruby/ directory. Here’s an example plugin:



Neovim.plugin do |plug| # Define a command called “SetLine” which sets the contents of the current # line. This command is executed asynchronously, so the return value is # ignored. plug.command(:SetLine, nargs: 1) do |nvim, str| nvim.current.line = str end

# Define a function called “Sum” which adds two numbers. This function is # executed synchronously, so the result of the block will be returned to nvim. plug.function(:Sum, nargs: 2, sync: true) do |nvim, x, y| x + y end

# Define an autocmd for the BufEnter event on Ruby files. plug.autocmd(:BufEnter, pattern: “.rb“) do |nvim| nvim.command(”echom ‘Ruby file, eh?’“) end end

When you add or update a plugin, you will need to call :UpdateRemotePlugins to update the remote plugin manifest. See :help remote-plugin-manifest for more information.

Refer to the Neovim::Plugin::DSL docs for a more complete overview of the Neovim.plugin DSL.

Vim Plugin Support

The Neovim gem also acts as a compatibility layer for Ruby plugins written for vim. The :ruby, :rubyfile, and :rubydo commands are intended to match their original behavior, and their documentation can be found here.


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