nem [gem] [npm]

Contrary to common belief, npm[] does not stand for "node package manager". In fact it is a package make installer, which just happens to be written in node. Hence it is not only meant to be used for node (or iojs[]) modules. It is also great for command-line tools written in Ruby!


Either via rubygems:

$ gem install nem

Or via npm:

$ npm install -g nem


  • Build your Ruby CLI gem as usual
  • Don't use any dependencies (other than included in Ruby's standard library)
  • Write your gemspec (example: nem.gemspec)
  • Run the following command to generate a package.json file:

    $ nem

  • Optional: Command-line arguments to nem will be interpreted as keywords for npm's search

  • That's it. Only step left: Publish it on the rubygems & npm public registries

nem's own package.json was generated by:

$ nem ruby gem npm

Install it locally

Via npm

Instructions. In short:

$ npm install .

Via rubygems

Instructions. In short:

$ gem build *.gemspec
$ gem install *.gem

(replace * with the actual gem name)


On npm

Instructions. In short:

$ npm publish .

On rubygems

Instructions. In short:

$ gem build *.gemspec
$ gem push *.gem

(replace * with the actual gem name)

nem is relaesed under the MIT license. npm is © npm, Inc. nem is not affiliated with npm in any way.