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A Ruby client for the NationBuilder API.


To install this gem to your current gemset, run:

$ gem install nationbuilder-rb

Or, add this to your gemfile:

gem 'nationbuilder-rb', require: 'nationbuilder'

Creating a client

Require the gem:

require 'nationbuilder'

Then, create a client by specifying the name of your nation and your API token:

client ='my_nation_name', 'my_api_token', retries: 8)

The retries parameter specifies the maximum number of retries to attempt when the client is rate limited. This uses an exponential backoff strategy. The default is 8.

Calling the API

The primary method for calling the NationBuilder API in nationbuilder-rb is the #call method, used on a client. The #call method takes three parameters: the name of the endpoint, the name of the method, and an optional hash containing arguments for the method.


Fetching a person, :show, id: 15)

Creating a person

params = {
  person: {
    email: "[email protected]",
    last_name: "Smith",
    first_name: "Bob"
}, :create, params)

Destroying a person, :destroy, id: 15)


A call can be paginated by creating a new instance of the Paginator class. This takes two parameters: the client and the response of the call to be paginated.

response =, :index)

paginated =, response)
page1 = paginated
page2 =
page3 =

Methods #next and #prev return the results of the next or previous page of results, nil if none. #next? and #prev? alert the caller to whether other pages of results exist. The JSON results of a page can be accessed by calling #body on a page: in the above example, page1.body returns the same hash as response.


This gem includes a command line utility that prints out all covered endpoints, methods, and parameters. To see documentation for a single endpoint, run:


To see all documentation, don't provide a endpoint name:

$ nbdoc


$ nbdoc basic_pages

Endpoint: basic_pages

  Method: index
  Description: Shows a list of the basic pages in the system
  Required parameters: site_slug

  Method: create
  Description: Creates a basic page for a site
  Required parameters: site_slug


Modifying the underlying HTTPClient

The NationBuilder::Client object can use a provided HTTPClient object if you need some customizations, such as to enable logging, change TLS settings, or add a proxy. For example to force a proxy for all traffic:

httpclient ='http://myproxy:8080')
client =, nation_builder_auth_token, retries: 8, http_client: httpclient)


To update the API specification that powers this client, first make the appropriate updates to the api_spec repository. Once the changes have been merged to api_spec's master branch, run the script in the root directory of this project to copy over the changes.