

Installing the source from Git is done as follows:

git clone git://


Installing the package from RubyGems is done as follows:

gem install nasl



To avoid conflicting with the NASL interpreter, the NASL gem's binary is installed as . As an application, it has very few actions that it can perform.

Benchmark: This benchmarks the time taken to parse the input path(s) over a

number of iterations. The number of iterations can be adjusted by the <-i> switch.

% nasl-parse -i 10 benchmark /opt/nessus/lib/nessus/plugins/ssl_certificate_chain.nasl
-------------------------[ ssl_certificate_chain.nasl ]-------------------------
Rehearsal --------------------------------------------
Tokenize   1.687500   0.000000   1.687500 (  1.688397)
Parse      1.835938   0.015625   1.851562 (  1.857094)
----------------------------------- total: 3.539062sec

               user     system      total        real
Tokenize   1.304688   0.015625   1.320312 (  1.319951)
Parse      1.046875   0.000000   1.046875 (  1.046957)
-------------------------[ ssl_certificate_chain.nasl ]-------------------------

Parse: This parses the input path(s) and indicates whether the parse was


% nasl-parse parse /opt/nessus/lib/nessus/plugins/ssl_certificate_chain.nasl
-------------------------[ ssl_certificate_chain.nasl ]-------------------------
Successfully parsed the contents of the file.
-------------------------[ ssl_certificate_chain.nasl ]-------------------------

Test: This runs unit tests distributed with the application. Specific unit

tests can be specified on the command line, otherwise all tests will be run.

% nasl-parse test
Run options:

# Running tests:


Finished tests in 11.773983s, 6.5398 tests/s, 33493.8487 assertions/s.

77 tests, 394356 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

Tokenize: This tokenizes the input path(s) and prints the token/byte-range

pairs to stdout.

% nasl-parse tokenize /opt/nessus/lib/nessus/plugins/ssl_certificate_chain.nasl
-------------------------[ ssl_certificate_chain.nasl ]-------------------------
[COMMENT,              0...1076]
[IF,                1076...1079]
[LPAREN,            1079...1080]
[IDENT,             1080...1091]
[CMP_LT,            1091...1093]
-------------------------[ ssl_certificate_chain.nasl ]-------------------------

XML: This parses the input path(s), and then prints an XML representation of

the parse tree to stdout.

% nasl-parse xml /opt/nessus/lib/nessus/plugins/ssl_certificate_chain.nasl
-------------------------[ ssl_certificate_chain.nasl ]-------------------------
-------------------------[ ssl_certificate_chain.nasl ]-------------------------


The primary users of this gem are Pedant and Nasldoc. Other uses are encouraged, of course! The class is the most useful part, obviously, and can be used as follows:

require 'nasl'

tree =, path_to_file)

That's all there is to it. If there are any errors, it'll throw an instance of that will include as much context about the error as possible.