Pedant, a static analysis tool for NASL


If you have Ruby 1.9.3+ and Rubygems installed, you can simply do: gem install nasl-pedant


To check a script, run this: pedant check scriptname.nasl. You can check .inc files the same way. Multiple files can be checked at the same time.

See a [WARN] but there's no explanation of the problem? Try adding -v.


  1. Only works for up to 5.2 code (will not fix, the nasl interpreter can now export an AST)
  2. Some of the checks have inconsistent titles in terms of "truthiness"


  1. Iron out some of the semantics:
    • Currently files are all checked independently: what should be done when we're given .inc and .nasl files in one invocation?
  2. Add a control-flow graph?
  3. Add some kind of taint tracking?