

This gem provides a simple API for packing/unpacking NARC (Nitro ARChive) files, an archive file format commonly used in Nintendo DS games. It also counts with a (very) simple command line interface.

Known Bugs/Issues

  • Unable to pack/unpack NARC files containing folders.

Version Log


  • Added support for NARC files with filenamed elements.

  • Now, the filenames of extracted elements of NARC files with no filenames have the format “[element index]_[element index]”. E.g:


    While the filenames of extracted elements of NARC files with named elements look like this:


    This is done so that when the elements are stored back into the narc, they are stored in the correct order. If the NARC is made with filenamed elements, the index number and the underscore won’t appear in the elements’ names.

  • Added new command to pack NARC files with element names to the CLI.

  • Added some documentation.


  • Initial version.