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the easy to use framework.              

By Christian Arab, CompSci Academy Q2 Student

What is mynatra?

mynatra's simple command line interface allows easy creation of Ruby resource models with attributes, views, and controllers. mynatra can be used as a simple, site generator perfect for small personal projects and tasks.

mynatra's dependancies include:

gem "activesupport"
gem "sinatra"
gem "thor"

Creating a Blog with Mynatra

1. Create a new project

Run the following line to generate a mynatra project:

mynatra new blog

This will establish a new mynatra project in teh blog directory with the following structure:

# File structure

├── app.rb
├── controllers
│   └── base_controller.rb
├── public
│   ├── scripts
│   │   └── main.js
│   └── styles
│       └── main.css
└── views
    ├── footer.erb
    ├── getting_started.erb
    └── header.erb

Start your Sinatra-based mynatra project by switching to the folder and run the following

$ ruby app.rb

2. Add blog resources to your project

To add resource models to your mynatra project. Run the following on the working directory:

$ mynatra resource post title body

This line tells mynatra to generate models, controllers, and basic views for the resource of post with the attributes of title and body.

# File structure

├── app.rb
├── controllers
│   ├── base_controller.rb
│   └── post_controller.rb
├── models
│   └── post.rb 
├── public
│   ├── scripts
│   │   └── main.js
│   └── styles
│       └── main.css
└── views
    ├── footer.erb
    ├── getting_started.erb
    ├── header.erb
    └── posts
        ├── edit.erb
        ├── index.erb
        └── new.erb
# blog/models/post.rb

class Post
  attr_accessor :id
  attr_accessor :title
  attr_accessor :body

  @@Posts = []
  @@count = 0

  def delete
    @@Posts.each_with_index do |post, index|
      if self.id == post.id

  def self.create(id)
    post = Post.new
    post.id = id
    @@Posts << post

  def self.find_by_id(id)
    @@Posts.each do |post|
      if post.id == id
        return post

# blog/views/posts/new.erb 

  <h1>New Post</h1>
  <form method='POST' action='/posts/create'>

        <input name='title'><br>

        <input name='body'><br>
          <input type='submit'>

3. Create an instance of 'post'

Congratulations! At this point you are able to instantiate a blog post. First make sure your Sinatra server is up and running by using ruby app.rb in working directory.

Next navigate to the 'new' page/view of your post resource. You should be able to create a new instance of post with the input text for 'title' and 'body'.

The 'index' view will allow you to display all instances and select an individual point for editing.

The 'edit' view allows you to manipulate the values, or delete a post.

Additional information


Mynatra thrives off bug reports and pull requests. Please see https://github.com/christianarab/mynatra.