Oh, why, hello there. I’m Notary Sojac, and you are inspecting one of my scripts which was originally designed to take all the files in the current working folder, and put them into out. The catch? Oh yes, the catch is that they will become .zip files meaning that you will need to decrypt them before reading/seeing/interacting with them. There are no free lunches. This algo is helpful for getting NES rom files into a proper format for consumption by NestopiaX on hacked XBOXes.

There will be more mundane algorithms added, such as right now I’ve just added an algo to unzip a bunch of zip files and dump their contents into out/ (so a mass unzipping algo).

To make it do:

1) Have ruby installed on your machine.

2) do ‘$ gem install mundane` to install the gem.

3) Change directory into the folder you’d like to conduct a mundane task in.

4) Run the gem, specifying which mundane task you’d like performed, eg ‘$ mundane files2zips`

5) Investigate the “out” directory which was created when you ran the command.

6) Profit.