Muck Users


The muck users engine is part of the muck framework and relies upon the muck-engine as well as authlogic. Both gems should be installed automatically when you install the muck-users engine.

Make sure that your ‘Gemfile’ contains the following:

config.gem "authlogic"
config.gem "muck-users"

If you used the muck template to create your rails application you will have a secrets.yml file. If not then you will need to create a secrets.yml file and then add the following to environment.rb right above do |config|

require 'ostruct'
require 'yaml'
::Secrets ='../secrets.yml', __FILE__))[Rails.env])

Omit secrets.yml from your version control system and use it to keep sensitive data like email server credentials

email_user_name: 'TODO_admin@#{domain_name}'    # Email server username
email_password = 'TODO_password'                # Email server password

  <<: *DEFAULT
  # Add production only secrets
  <<: *DEFAULT
  # Add staging only secrets
  <<: *DEFAULT
  # Development specific
  <<: *DEFAULT
  # Test specific


Create an initializer and add the following adjusting the settings to meet your specific needs:

MuckEngine.configure do |config|

  # Global application values.  These are used to display the app name, send emails, and configure where system emails go.
  if Rails.env.production?
    config.application_url = 'www.#{domain_name}'     # Url of the application in production
  elsif Rails.env.staging?
    config.application_url = 'www.#{domain_name}'     # Url of the application on staging
    config.application_url = 'localhost:3000'         # Url of the application for test or development

  config.application_name = 'Example App'       # Common name for your application.  i.e. My App, Billy Bob, etc
  config.from_email = '[email protected]'     # Emails will come from this address i.e. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], etc
  config.from_email_name = 'Example App'        # This will show up as the name on emails.  i.e. [email protected] <Example>
  config.support_email = '[email protected]'  # Support email for your application.  This is used for contact us etc.
  config.admin_email = '[email protected]'      # Admin email for your application
  config.customer_service_number = '1-800-'     # Phone number if you have one (optional)

  # Email charset.  No need to change this unless you have a good reason to change the encoding.
  config.mail_charset = 'utf-8'

  # Email server configuration
  # Sendgrid is easy:
  config.email_server_address = ""   # Email server address.  '' works for sendgrid
  config.email_user_name = Secrets.email_user_name    # Email server username
  config.email_password = Secrets.email_password      # Email server password
  config.base_domain = ''                  # Basedomain that emails will come from

  # ssl
  config.enable_ssl = false # Enable ssl if you have an ssl certificate installed.  This will provide security between the client and server.

  # Google Analtyics Configuration.  This will enable Google Analytics on your site and will be used if your template includes:
  #                                  <%= render :partial => 'layouts/global/google_analytics' %>
  config.google_tracking_code = ""                    # Get a tracking code here: The codes look like this: 'UA-9685000-0'
  config.google_tracking_set_domain = ""   # Base domain provided to Google Analytics. Useful if you are using subdomains but want all traffic 
                                              # recorded into one account.

MuckUsers.configure do |config|
  config.automatically_activate = true                    # Automatically active a users account during registration. If true the user won't get a 
                                                          # 'confirm account' email. If false then the user will need to confirm their account via an email.
  config. = true  # Automatically log the user in after they have setup their account. This should be false if you 
                                                          # require them to activate their account.
  config.send_welcome = true                              # Send out a welcome email after the user has signed up.

  # if you use recaptcha you will need to also provide a public and private key available from
  config.use_recaptcha = false      # This will turn on recaptcha during registration. This is an alternative to sending the 
                                    # user a confirm email and can help reduce spam registrations.

  config.require_access_code = false              # Only let a user sign up if they have an access code
  config. = false   # Turn on/off ability for users to delete their own account. It is not recommended that you let 
                                                  # users delete their own accounts since the delete can cascade through the system with unknown results.


There are a couple of routes that muck-users will look for:

Route to the site home page:

root :to => "default#index"

Route to a public user page (this could also go to home etc. if needed)

match '/profiles/:id' => 'profiles#show', :as => :public_user

This is the path that a user will be redirected to if they attempt to access another user’s dashboard page.

By default when a user logs out they are sent to the login page. You can add a new route and change the behavior:

match '/login' => 'user_session#new', :as => :logout_complete

muck-users sends out emails that need to be able to generate links. Be sure to set a value for MuckEngine.configuration.application_url.


Muck users provides an autocomplete login search. To enable this functionality create a text box with the class ‘login-search’ and add the following code to include the needed javascript and css:

<% content_for :head do -%>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery/jquery.autocomplete.min.js' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'muck-users' %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'jquery/jquery.autocomplete.js' %>
<% end -%>

If you override the users controller you will also need to include login_search in your routes:

map.resources :users, :collection => { :login_search => :get }

General information

This engine implements authlogic. Some of the code contained was taken from here: and here

Inspiration also came from:


After installing the engine just create a user model thus:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  include MuckUsers::Models::MuckUser

Then you will be able to go to: http//:localhost:3000/login http//:localhost:3000/signup

Copyright © 2009-2010 Tatemae, released under the MIT license