Muck Raker

Muck Raker adds functionality that aggregates, searches and analyzes data from many different web sources.


Be sure to add github as a gem source before proceeding as acts-as-taggable-on, mislav-will_paginate (and many other gems) live there.

gem sources -a

Install muck raker:

sudo gem install muck-raker

Installing muck raker should install all of it’s dependancies. You can also install them manually:

sudo gem install httparty
sudo gem install mbleigh-acts-as-taggable-on
sudo gem install mislav-will_paginate
sudo gem install muck-feedbag
sudo gem install pauldix-feedzirra

After install acts-as-taggable-on be sure to include the helper in application_helper.rb:

module ApplicationHelper
  include TagsHelper

Add rake tasks to your Rakefile

require 'muck_raker/tasks'


muck-raker uses muck-comments and muck-activities to add comments to entries in the ‘visits’ frame view. You can omit these gems if you don’t desire comments. muck-raker also uses muck-shares and muck-activities to share entries with other users. Again you can omit these gems if you don’t desire the share capability.

To turn on this functionality add these lines to your global_config.yml file:

enable_raker_comments: true
enable_raker_shares: true

To install these gems:

sudo gem install muck-comments
sudo gem install muck-activities
sudo gem install muck-shares




You will need to have mysql setup to run the migrations for the test database. Muck raker has a few customizations which require mysql.

Copyright © 2009 Justin Ball and Joel Duffin, released under the MIT license