
Automate taking your iPhone and/or iPad launch images (i.e. [email protected]) with rake launchimages.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'motion-launchimages'

And then execute:



After your app has launched, let motion-launchimages know to take the screenshots:

class AppDelegate

  def application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions)
    # ...


This method does nothing if it's not taking screenshots, so it's safe to leave in your code.

If you need to do some processing to get your app ready for the screenshot, you can use Motion::LaunchImages.taking? to check whether the app is being screenshoted. For example, if you have a table in your main view, you might want to empty it out like this:

class MainViewController
  def tableView(table, numberOfRowsInSection:section)
    return 0 if Motion::LaunchImages.taking?
    # ...


Just run rake launchimages. The task will launch your app in the simulator several times with different screen sizes and save the screenshots in your resources directory with the correct names. It detects whether it's being run on an iPhone or iPad (or both) app and only takes the screenshots it needs to.

If you want to just take the screenshot for one device, you can run rake take_launchimages=true device_name="iPhone 8 Plus" (for example). See devices.rb for a list of acceptable values for device_name.

Hybrid Apps

If you have a hybrid app (iPhone and iPad), you may want to split up the launch image generation into two steps by running rake launchimages type="ipad", closing all open simulators when it's done, then rake launchimages type="iphone" after. There seems to be some sort of limit on the number of simulators that can be open at once, and the rake command hangs when the limit is hit.