
Short description and motivation.


How to use my plugin.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

“by gem ‘morpho’

And then execute:

“sh $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

“sh $ gem install morpho


Contain number validator

Value must contain at least 1 number.

options: * message: A custom message. Defaults to I18n.t('morpho.labels.validators.contain_number')

“by class User < ApplicationRecord validates :password, :‘morpho/validators/contain_number’ => true end

Contain uppercase validator

Value must contain at least 1 uppercase letter.

options: * message: A custom message. Defaults to I18n.t('morpho.labels.validators.contain_uppercase')

“by class User < ApplicationRecord validates :password, :‘morpho/validators/contain_uppercase’ => true end

Contain symbol validator

Value must contain at least 1 special char.

options: * message: A custom message. Defaults to I18n.t('morpho.labels.validators.contain_symbol')

“by class User < ApplicationRecord validates :password, :‘morpho/validators/contain_symbol’ => true end


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.