
A ruby optical mark recognition (OMR) library aimed at accomplishing two tasks in the context of paper-based, multiple-choice tests and surveys:

  1. generating response sheets in PDF format
  2. capturing the responses provided on the printed sheet by a human with a pen or a pencil.

Assumptions and limitations

Mork is a low-level library, and very much work in progress. It is not, and will likely never be a complete OMR solution. While suggestions and contributions are more than welcome, for the time being several assumptions and restrictions to what the library is capable of apply.

  • the PDF files generated by Mork are intended to be printed on regular printer paper
  • the entire response sheet must fit into a single page
  • after collecting the responses, a filled-out form should be acquired as a JPEG, PNG, or PDF image by a normal optical scanner or camera (i.e., no specialized equipment is necessary)
  • the response sheet contains the following items:
    • registration marks at each page corner
    • a bar code along the bottom margin to uniquely identify the sheet
    • a header area to print arbitrary information
    • a response area containing a list of numbered items (questions)
    • each item contains an arbitrary number of choice “cells”, each marked with a capital letter (A, B, C, ...)
    • the far right side of the response area is reserved for a column of calibration cells that must remain blank
  • it is entirely up to the user to provide parameters that produce the desired response sheet layout; in particular, making sure that the header elements and choice cells fit in the available space, as Mork does not provide any type of "sanity" check at this time.

Getting started

First, make sure that ImageMagick is installed in your system. On the Mac, brew is the preferred package manager:

brew install imagemagick

To create a small ruby project that uses Mork, cd into a directory of choice, then execute the following shell commands:

mkdir mork_test
cd mork_test
echo "source ''" > Gemfile
echo "gem 'mork'" >> Gemfile
echo "require 'mork'" > mork_test.rb
echo "include Mork" >> mork_test.rb
bundle install

Edit the file mork_test.rb with the code snippets below, then execute the following shell command to see the result:

bundle exec ruby mork_test.rb

Generating response sheets with SheetPDF

Response sheets are created through the Mork::SheetPDF class. Two pieces of information must be provided to the class constructor to produce a meaningful object:

  • content: what to place on the sheet, such as how many response items and choices, what to write in the header, the number to print as a barcode
  • layout: sizes, margins, spacing, fonts, etc., of each of the printed elements

Let’s look at each argument in turn.


The content argument should be a hash like the following:

content = {
  # the response sheet's unique identifier; it is printed
  # in binary form as a barcode at the bottom of the sheet
  barcode: 123456,
  # number of items and number of choices per item
  # in this case: 100 items with 5 choices each
  choices: [5] * 100,
  # stuff to print in the header
  header: {
    name: 'John Doe UI354320',
    title: 'Anatomy and Physiology test, Sept 20, 2014',
    code:  '201.48',
    signature: 'Signature'

These are the key-value pairs that the content hash should contain:

  • barcode: an integer number, the sheet's unique identifier
  • choices: an array of integers, specifiying the number of items in the test (the length of the array) and the number of choices available for each item (the array values)
  • header: a (sub)hash of key-value pairs defining the content of named header elements; in each pair, the key is the name of one header element, while the value is the rendered content; the actually available elements are defined in the layout (see below)


The layout argument is also defined as a hash, but because of its length and since the layout often stays identical across many response sheets, it is usually more convenient to write the information in a YAML file and pass its path/filename to the SheetPDF constructor instead. Here is the YAML version of a standard layout hash. Please note that the parameters with an (*) in the comment have no effect on PDF production, but are relevant to OMR scan (see further below).

page_size:                # all measurements in mm
  width:          210     # width of the paper sheet
  height:         297     # height of the paper sheet
  margin:          10     # distance from each page border to registration mark center
  radius:           2.5   # registration mark radius
  crop:            12     # size of the registration mark search area (*)
  offset:           2     # distance between the search area and each page border (*)
  blur:             2     # size of a gaussian blur filter to smooth overly pixelated registration marks (0 to skip)
  dilate:           5     # size of a “dilate” filter to get rid of stray noise (0 to skip)
  name:                   # ‘name’ is just a label; you can add arbitrary header elements
    top:            5     # margin relative to registration frame top side
    left:           7.5   # margin relative to registration frame left side
    width:         170    # text will be fitted to this width
    size:           14    # font size
    top:            15
    left:           7.5
    width:         180
    size:           12
    top:             5
    left:          165
    width:          20
    size:           14
    top:            30
    left:            7.5
    width:         120
    height:         15
    size:            7
    box:          true    # header element will be enclosed in a box
  top:              55.5  # response area margin, relative to reg frame
  left:             10.5  # response area margin, relative to reg frame
  rows:             30    # number of items per column
  columns:           4    # number of columns
  column_width:     44    # 
  x_spacing:         7    # horizontal distance between ajacent cell centers
  y_spacing:         7    # vertical distance between ajacent cell centers
  cell_width:        6    # width of each choice and calibration cell
  cell_height:       5    # height of each choice and calibration cell
  max_cells:         5    # maximum number of choices per item
  font_size:         9    # size of both the item number and choice cell letter
  number_width:      8    # 
  number_margin:     2    # margin between
  bits:             40    # the maximum sheet identifier is 2 to the power or bits
  left:             15    # distance between registration frame side and the first barcode bit
  width:             3    # width of each barcode bit
  height:            2.5  # height of each barcode bit from the registration frame bottom side
  spacing:           4    # horizontal distance between adjacent barcode bit centers

Assuming that the above text is written in a file named layout.yml, here's how to create a SheetPDF object and write the PDF file to disk:

s = content, 'layout.yml'
s.write 'sheet.pdf'
system 'open sheet.pdf' # this works in OSX

It's easy to see that by iterating over a series of content hashes you can produce any number of sheets, all based on the same layout but each containing unique information (notably the barcode, but also names, dates, etc.)

If the layout argument is omitted, Mork will search for a file named layout.yml and load it. If such file cannot be found, Mork will fall back to a default, boilerplate layout (incidentally, this is the layout shown above).

Scoring response sheets with SheetOMR

Assuming that a person has filled out a response sheet by darkening with a pen the selected choices, and that the sheet has been acquired as an image file, response scoring is performed by the Mork::SheetOMR class. Three pieces of information must be provided to the object constructor:

  • image: the path/filename of the bitmap image (currently accepts JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF extensions; a resolution of 150-200 dpi is usually more than sufficient to obtain accurate readings)
  • choices: equivalent to the choices array of integers passed to the SheetPDF constructor as part of the content parameter (see above)
  • layout: same as for the SheetPDF class

The following code shows how to create and analyze a SheetOMR based on a bitmap file named image.jpg:

# instantiating the object
s = 'image.jpg', [5]*100, 'layout.yml'
# detecting darkened choice cells for the 100 items
chosen = s.mark_array

If all goes well, the chosen array will contain 100 sub-arrays, each containing the list of darkened choices for that item, where the first cell is indicated by a 0, the second by a 1, etc. It is also possible to show the scoring graphically:

s = 'image.jpg', 'layout.yml'
s.write 'highlights.jpg'
system 'open highlights.jpg' # OSX only

Wait, why Mork?

Because I used to have a crush on Mindy