MoodCube API

The MoodCube API provides an easy way to react on MoodCube events.

Basic Usage

You can use the MoodCube API in 2 different ways:

1. Use the moodcube-reader script

This script listens to all MoodCube’s from you local network and prints a line containing the ip-address from the MoodCube reciever device and the MoodCube side number (from 1..6) to STDOUT each time you are changing the position of a MoodCube.

2. Use the API to react to MoodCube events

For futher examples look into the examples/ directory.

require 'moodcube' do |moodcube, side|
  # ..


Artistic License

Credits & Support

The MoodCube homepage is

For other information feel free to contact [email protected]