Registration agent for, preconfigured for OpenShift / Ruby applications.

It compiles a list of installed packages and sends it to

Installing on your OpenShift Ruby application

  • Create an account at

  • Create your Ruby application in OpenShift

    rhc app create -a myapp -t ruby-1.8
  • Add a dependency in your application's Gemfile

    gem 'monupco-openshift-ruby'
  • Set your userID in the ./data/MONUPCO_SETTINGS file

    echo "export MONUPCO_USER_ID=YourUserID"  > ./data/MONUPCO_SETTINGS
  • Enable the registration script in .openshift/action_hooks/post_deploy

    source data/MONUPCO_SETTINGS
    bundle exec vendor/bundle/ruby/1.8/bin/monupco-openshift
  • Run bundle install to install the monupco gems

    bundle install
  • Commit your changes

    git add .
    git commit -m "enable monupco registration"
  • Then push your application to OpenShift

    git push

That's it, you can now check your application statistics at