Module: Mongoid

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The Mongoid::Paperclip extension Makes Paperclip play nice with the Mongoid ODM


class User
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Mongoid::Paperclip

  has_mongoid_attached_file :avatar

The above example is all you need to do. This will load the Paperclip library into the User model and add the “has_mongoid_attached_file” class method. Provide this method with the same values as you would when using “vanilla Paperclip”. The first parameter is a symbol [:field] and the second parameter is a hash of options [options = {}].

Unlike Paperclip for ActiveRecord, since MongoDB does not use “schema” or “migrations”, Mongoid::Paperclip automatically adds the neccesary “fields” to your Model (MongoDB collection) when you invoke the “#has_mongoid_attached_file” method. When you invoke “has_mongoid_attached_file :avatar” it will automatially add the following fields:

field :avatar_file_name,    :type => String
field :avatar_content_type, :type => String
field :avatar_file_size,    :type => Integer
field :avatar_updated_at,   :type => DateTime
field :avatar_fingerprint,  :type => String

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Modules: Paperclip