
A MongoDB cache store for ActiveSupport


MongoCacheStore uses pluggable backends to expose MongoDB as a cache store to ActiveSupport applications. Each backend allows the application to customize how the cache operates.
Support is available for standard, capped and TTL collections.

Upgrade Note

To accomidate ActiveSupport 4 underlying storage routines had to change. After upgrading to 0.3.0, any cached entries from 0.2.x will be considered a miss and will be overridden with a corresponding write action or expire naturally.

MongoCacheStore::DATA_STORE_VERSION determines whether a cached entry is compatible with the current version of the gem.

Initialize the cache


config.cache_store = :mongo_cache_store, :TTL, :db =>'db_name',
config.cache_store = :mongo_cache_store, :Standard, :db_name => 'db_name', :connection =>, :serialize => :on_fail



Symbol representing the backend the cache should use

  • :TTL - ActiveSupport::Cache::MongoCacheStore::Backend::TTL
  • :Standard - ActiveSupport::Cache::MongoCacheStore::Backend::Standard
  • :MultiTTL - ActiveSupport::Cache::MongoCacheStore::Backend::MultiTTL
  • :Capped - ActiveSupport::Cache::MongoCacheStore::Backend::Capped


Options for ActiveSupport::Cache and the backend]

Core options are listed here. See each backend for a list of additional optons.

  • :db - A Mongo::DB instance.
  • :db_name - Name of database to create if no 'db' is given.
  • :connection - A Mongo::Connection instance. Only used if no 'db' is given.
  • :collection_opts

    Hash of options passed directly to MongoDB::Collection.

    Useful for write conditions and read preferences

  • :serialize - :always | :on_fail | :never

    • :always - (default) - Serialize all entries > NOTE Without serialization class structures and instances that cannot be converted to a native MongoDB type will not be stored. Also, without serialization MongoDB converts all symbols to strings.

    Therefore a hash with symbols as keys will have strings as keys when read.

    • :on_fail - Serialize if native format fails Try to save the entry in a native MongoDB format. If that fails, then serialize the entry.
    • :never - Never serialize Only save the entry if it can be saved natively by MongoDB.

Increment / Decrement

Increment and decrement values must be an Integer. In the ActiveSupport test suite strings and integers are used interchangeably. This cache store however uses MongoDB's $inc operator which must, be an integer.

Keys can be a Hash

The following test from ActiveSupport fails with MongoCacheStore:

def test_hash_as_cache_key
  @cache.write({:foo => 1, :fu => 2}, "bar")
  assert_equal "bar","foo=1/fu=2")

This is because a key can be a true Hash. It will not be converted to a string.



TTL backend for MongoCacheStore


Entries are kept in a namespaced TTL collection that will automatically flush any entries as they pass their expiration time. This keeps the size of the cache in check over time.

Requires MongoDB 2.2 or higher

Additional Options

No additional options at this time


Standard backend for MongoCacheStore


Entries are kept in a namespaced MongoDB collection. In a standard collection entries are only flushed from the collection with an explicit delete call or if auto_flush is enabled. If auto_flush is enabled the cache will flush all expired entries when auto_flush_threshold is reached. The threshold is based on a set number of cache instance writes.

Additional Options

The following options can be added to a MongoCacheStore constructor

To see a list of core options see MongoCacheStore

  • :auto_flush - true | false

    Default: true

    If auto_flush is enabled the cache will flush all expired entries when auto_flush_threshold is reached.

  • :auto_flush_threshold - 10_000

    Default: 10_000

    A number representing the number of writes the when the cache should preform before flushing expired entries.


MultiTTL backend for MongoCacheStore


Entries are stored in multiple namespaced TTL collections. A namespaced TTL collection is created for each unique expiration time.
For example all entries with an expiration time of 300 seconds will be kept in the same collection while entries with a 900 second expiration time will be kept in another. This requires the use of a key index collection that keeps track of which TTL collection a entry resides in.

  • Cache set operations require 2 MongoDB write calls.
    One for the key index, one for the TTL collection. (unless use_index is false, see below)
  • Cache read operations will require 1 or 2 MongoDB calls depending on whether the 'expires_in' option is set for the read.
Benefits (future)
  • Ability to flush cache based on expire time (TODO)

Additional Options

The following options can be added to a MongoCacheStore constructor

To see a list of core options see MongoCacheStore

  • :use_index - true | false > Default: true

This should only be set to false if all fetch and/or read operations are passed the :expires_in option. If so, this will eliminate the need for the key index collection and only one write and one read operation is necessary.



Capped backend for MongoCacheStore


Experimental do not use... yet.

This should only be used if limiting the size of the cache is of great concern. Entries are flushed from the cache on a FIFO basis, regardless of the entries expiration time.
Delete operations set an entry to expired, but it will not be flushed until it is automatically removed by MongoDB.



Build Health

Build Status - Master Code Climate Dependency Status

Travis is used to build and test MongoCacheStore against:

  • 2.0.0
  • 1.9.3
  • 1.9.2
  • 1.8.7
  • jruby-18mode
  • jruby-19mode
  • rbx-19mode
  • ruby-head
  • jruby-head
  • ree