Mongo consistent backup over RAID EBS disks on EC2 instance

Suite of tools to backup and manage snapshots of MongoDB data set to EC2 Snapshots.

Lock and Snapshot: mongo_lock_and_snapshot.rb


Snapshot a list of devices on a given instance on ec2.

/mnt/lib/mongo-ec2-consistent-backup/bin# infra-ruby lock_and_snapshot -p /ebs/lvms/lvol0/ -a ACCESS_KEY -s SECRET_KEY -d /dev/sdg,/dev/sdh,/dev/sdi,/dev/sdj,/dev/sdk,/dev/sdl,/dev/sdm,/dev/sdn
  • --path, -p : Data path to freeze
  • --access-key-id, -a : Access Key Id for AWS
  • --secret-access-key, -s : Secret Access Key for AWS
  • --devices, -d : Devices to snapshot, comma separated
  • --type, -t : Snapshot type, to choose among test,snapshot,daily,weekly,monthly,yearly (default: snapshot)
  • --help, -h: Show this message

It freeze the path using xfs_freezeand create a snapshot for all the disks passed in the command line. To make this work without too much trouble with a mongo that is in a replica set, you can shut down the replica before running the command. You can also use mongo fsync and lock but this will probably make your cluster a bit nervous about that. Shutting down ensure no mongos will try to use the frozen mongo.

Usage with IAM

If you use IAM for your authentication in EC2, here is a probably up to date list of the permissions you need to grant:


Internal API documentation is at: