.. role


:language: ruby
.. role


:language: sh


.. image


:alt: Build Status
:target: https://travis-ci.org/ct-clearhaus/money-ecb
.. image

:alt: Code Climate
:target: https://codeclimate.com/github/ct-clearhaus/money-ecb
.. image

:alt: Dependency Status
:target: https://gemnasium.com/ct-clearhaus/money-ecb


This gem is a RubyMoney_ bank that can exchange “Money“ using rates from the ECB (European Central Bank). It will automatically keep the rates updated.

.. _RubyMoney: rubymoney.github.io/money


.. code-block


gem install money-ecb

In your “Gemfile“ may want to have :ruby:‘gem ’money-ecb’, :require => ‘money/bank/ecb’‘.

Dependencies .….….…

  • RubyMoney’s “money“ gem

  • “rubyzip“ gem


Using “money“ and “monetize“:

.. code-block


require 'money'
require 'money/bank/ecb'
require 'monetize/core_extensions'

Money.default_bank = Money::Bank::ECB.new

puts '1 EUR'.to_money.exchange_to(:USD)


By default, “Money::Bank“‘s will truncate. If you prefer to round:

.. code-block


puts '1 EUR'.to_money.exchange_to(:USD) {|x| x.round}

If you would like to have rounding done by default, you can set the default when creating the “ECB“ instance:

.. code-block


Money.default_bank = Money::Bank::ECB.new {|x| x.round}

Local cache file

For your convenience, :ruby:‘.new` will accept a string representing a file path.

If the file path holds a valid CSV file with exchange rates, the rates will be used for conversion (unless newer rates are available; if so, new rates will be fetched—see ‘auto-update`_). If the file does not exist or is “somehow bogus”, new rates will be downloaded from the European Central Bank and stored in the file (or an :ruby:`InvalidCacheError` will be raise if `auto-update`_ is off).

.. _`auto-update`:

Auto-update rates

The European Central Bank publishes foreign exchange rates daily, and they should be available at 14:00 CE(S)T. The cache is automatically updated when doing an exchange after new rates has been published; to disable this, set :ruby:‘#auto_update = false`; to force, :ruby:`#update_cache` and :ruby:`#reload` (or both in one take, :ruby:`#update`).

Also notice that when instantiating an :ruby:‘ECB`, rates will be loaded from the cache file, and if that fails, new rates will be fetched automatically. So if you want to handle updating rates “by hand”, you should place a valid cache before :ruby:`.new` and then call :ruby:`#reload` after you updated the cache.

.. _`Can I code my own cache?‘:

Can I code my own cache?

Yes, just :ruby:‘include Money::Bank::ECB::Cache` and implement :ruby:`.new_from?` (if you accept what :ruby:`.new` was given) and :ruby:`.priority` (let it be “=> 2“ since “0“ and “1“ are already used for :ruby:`SimpleCache` and :ruby:`CacheFile` respectively). No monkey patching needed!
