Heavy development. Tested against 0.12.0 without issues. Please contribute. If you want to send Testnet transactions, please always send them back to https://dis.gratis

Monero Ruby Client

Ruby client to connect and use Monero Wallet RPC.

Disclaimer - before you start - important notice!

To try out please make sure that you run your monerod and your monero-wallet-rpc with the --testnet option. Always use the Testchain to play around. Be careful with your wallet, you might lose coins if you try out on the real chain.

- Testnet Blockexplorer: https://testnet.xmrchain.com


For easy installation add gem 'monero' to your Gemfile or run gem install monero


Start your daemon ./monerod --testnet

Start your RPC Client ./monero-wallet-rpc --testnet --rpc-bind-port 18081 --rpc-bind-ip --rpc-login username:password --log-level 4

  • To open a wallet at start use --wallet-file filename and --password pass
  • In case you need to access the client from another machine, you need to set --confirm-external-bind.
  • To be able to create/open other wallets you need to specify --wallet-file /path/to/wallets/on/your/machine
  • if you don't specify --rpc-login a file will be created that stores the login data (cat monero-wallet-rpc.18081.login)

Getting started


RPC.config.host = ""
RPC.config.port = "18081"
RPC.config.username = "username"
RPC.config.password = "password"
RPC.config.transfer_clazz = "MoneroTransfer" # you can set your own class to get incoming transfers as a model rather then a json


Monero Ruby Client is very easy to use. Full documentation of RPC Client: https://getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/wallet-rpc.html#transfer

Get the current address

=> "9wm6oNA5nP3LnugTKRSwGJhW4vnYv8RAVdRvYyvbistbHUnojyTHyHcYpbZvbTZHDsi4rF1EK5TiYgnCN6FWM9HjTDpKXAE"

Create a new Subaddress with a label

RPC::Wallet.create_address "family savings" => "address_index"=>1

Create a new address for a payment (integrated address)

=> {"integrated_address"=>"A7TmpAyaPeZLnugTKRSwGJhW4vnYv8RAVdRvYyvbistbHUnojyTHyHcYpbZvbTZHDsi4rF1EK5TiYgnCN6FWM9HjfufSYUchQ8hH2R272H",

Get a list of all Adresses of your wallet


To get the balance of the current wallet (we use the gem 'money')

# returns an ::XMR object which is just a shortcut for ::Money(amount, :xmr)
=> #<Money fractional:9980629640000 currency:XMR>

=> "9.980629640000 XMR"

To get the unlocked balance, which is currently available

=> #<Money fractional:10000 currency:XMR>

To get both combined

=> {"balance"=>9961213880000, "unlocked_balance"=>10000}

To get the current block height

=> 1008032

Send XMR to an address via RPC::Transfer.create. If successfull you will get the transaction details. If not succesfull you'll get returned nil.

amount= 20075 #in atomic units. 1000000000000 == 1.0 XMR    
RPC::Transfer.create("A7TmpAyaPeZLnugTKRSwGJhW4vnYv8RAVdRvYyvbistbHUnojyTHyHcYpbZvbTZHDsi4rF1EK5TiYgnCN6FWM9HjfwGRvbCHYCZAaKSzDx", amount)
=> {"fee"=>19415760000,

To send payments you can also specify the following options:

options = { fee: fee, mixin: 5, unlock_time: unlock_time, payment_id: "c7e7146b3335aa54", get_tx_key: true, priority: 0, do_not_relay: false, get_tx_hex: true}

Please note that fee is currently ignored by the chain.

To send payments to multiple recipients simply use an array of [:recipient, :amount]. For example:

recipients = [
    {address:A7TmpAyaPeZLnugTKRSwGJhW4vnYv8RAVdRvYyvbistbHUnojyTHyHcYpbZvbTZHDsi4rF1EK5TiYgnCN6FWM9HjfwGRvbCHYCZAaKSzDx amount: 1599999},
    {address:A7TmpAyaPeZLnugTKRSwGJhW4vnYv8RAVdRvYyvbistbHUnojyTHyHcYpbZvbTZHDsi4rF1EK5TiYgnCN6FWM9Hjftr1RgJ6RM4BMMPLUc amount: 130000},
    {address:A7TmpAyaPeZLnugTKRSwGJhW4vnYv8RAVdRvYyvbistbHUnojyTHyHcYpbZvbTZHDsi4rF1EK5TiYgnCN6FWM9HjfrgPgAEasYGSVhUdwe amount: 442130000}

RPC::Transfer.send_bulk(recipients, options)

To get a list of transfers you call get_transfers(args). Options are in (true), out (false), pending (true), failed (false), pool (true), filter_by_height (false), min_height and max_height

To get all incoming transfers use get_all_incoming_transfers(args). Args can be min_height and max_height to filter accordingly. Result is a list of RPC::IncomingTransfer objects.

incomes = RPC::Wallet.get_all_incoming_transfers(min_height: 1087400)
=> [#<RPC::IncomingTransfer:0x000000036d3ca8 ...>, #<RPC::IncomingTransfer:0x000000036d38c0 ...>, #<RPC::IncomingTransfer:0x000000036d3258 ...>, #<RPC::IncomingTransfer:0x000000036d2c90 ...> ....

=> false

=> true

=> 0

=> "9vN5sHeH2a6AbRsB1dZ3APavL3YyFLguhh5pu2cAHb4CTY9GtnsEsBYTzwxzL6XH4Uby2Svju8sYvZN7mDMcd6MTKDvBgVR"

=> 0.40123

You can use your own custom class by using the config RPC.config.transfer_clazz = "MyCustomMoneroTransfer"

For a specific Transfer simply call get_transfer_by_txid(tx_id)


If this was useful you might consider a small donation:

  • XMR: 48ie1HGrxvp4PE8DwSaKSSJtwnwAWitsE6U3oiybsa9VVrywayMJJZpMx1MvqJfxihBv9cnriufv5KXWd45xVQCrPAjkFBR

Even better would be your contribution to the code. Let's work together and make this gem a great place for all Monero fans! Don't just fork and do your own thing. My idea for this gem isn't the way we have to do. Feel free to bring yourself into this project. I'm willing to change everything from scratch if it will benefit the future.