MoesifApi Lib for Ruby

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Check out Moesif's Developer Documentation and Ruby API Reference to learn more

How to configure:

The generated code might need to be configured with your API credentials. To do that, open the file "configuration.rb" and edit it's contents.

Alternatively, you can modify the Configuration parameters at run-time through the following:

MoesifApi::Configuration.your_paramater = YOUR_VALUE

Install from RubyGems

gem install moesif_api

How to use:

After having installed the gem, you can easily use the SDK following these steps.

  1. Create a "moesif_api_test.rb" file in the root directory.
  2. Use any controller as follows: ```ruby require 'moesif_api'

api_client = api_controller = api_client.api

req_headers = JSON.parse(' '"Host": "",'\ '"Accept": "/",'\ '"Connection": "Keep-Alive",'\ '"User-Agent": "Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.0.2; C6906 Build/14.5.A.0.242)",'\ '"Content-Type": "application/json",'\ '"Content-Length": "126",'\ '"Accept-Encoding": "gzip"'\ '')

req_body = JSON.parse( ' '"items": ['\ '{'\ '"type": 1,'\ '"id": "fwfrf"'\ ','\ ' '"type": 2,'\ '"id": "d43d3f"'\ ''\ ']'\ '}')

rsp_headers = JSON.parse(' '"Date": "Tue, 23 Aug 2016 23:46:49 GMT",'\ '"Vary": "Accept-Encoding",'\ '"Pragma": "no-cache",'\ '"Expires": "-1",'\ '"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",'\ '"Cache-Control": "no-cache"'\ '')

rsp_body = JSON.parse(' '"Error": "InvalidArgumentException",'\ '"Message": "Missing field field_a"'\ '')

metadata = JSON.parse(' '"foo": "rubytestmeta",'\ '"bar": "rubytestmedat2"'\ '')

event_req = event_req.time = "2016-09-09T04:45:42.914" event_req.uri = "" event_req.verb = "PATCH" event_req.api_version = "1.1.0" event_req.ip_address = "" event_req.headers = req_headers event_req.body = req_body

event_rsp = event_rsp.time = "2016-09-09T04:45:42.914" event_rsp.status = 500 event_rsp.headers = rsp_headers event_rsp.body = rsp_body

event_model = event_model.request = event_req event_model.response = event_rsp event_model.user_id ="my_user_id" event_model.session_token = "23jdf0owekfmcn4u3qypxg09w4d8ayrcdx8nu2ng]s98y18cx98q3yhwmnhcfx43f" event_model.metadata = metadata

Perform the API call through the SDK function

response = api_controller.create_event(event_model)

### update user

You can also update the metadata for each user. The only required field is user_id

api_client =
api_controller = api_client.api

metadata = JSON.parse('{'\
  '"email": "[email protected]",'\
  '"name": "ruby api user",'\
  '"custom": "testdata"'\

user_model =
user_model.modified_time =  # option, default now.
user_model.user_id = "testrubyapiuser"  #only required field.
user_model.metadata = metadata

# Perform the API call through the SDK function
response = api_controller.update_user(user_model)

update company

You can also update the metadata for each company. The only required field is company_id

api_client =
api_controller = api_client.api

 = JSON.parse('{'\
  '"email": "[email protected]",'\
  '"name": "ruby api user",'\
  '"location": "United States"'\

company_model =
company_model.modified_time = # option, default now.
company_model.company_id = "1" #only required field.
company_model. = 

# Perform the API call through the SDK function
response = api_controller.update_company(company_model)

How to build and install manually:

The generated code depends on a few Ruby gems. The references to these gems are added in the gemspec file. The easiest way to resolve the dependencies, build the gem and install it is through Rake:

  1. Install Rake if not already installed: gem install rake
  2. Install Bundler if not already installed: gem install bundler
  3. From terminal/cmd navigate to the root directory of the SDK.
  4. Invoke: rake install

Alternatively, you can build and install the gem manually:

  1. From terminal/cmd navigate to the root directory of the SDK.
  2. Run the build command: gem build moesif_api.gemspec
  3. Run the install command: gem install ./moesif_api-1.0.0.gem

Note: You will need to have internet access for this step.

How to test:

You can test the generated SDK and the server with automatically generated test cases as follows:

  1. Add your Moesif application id to 'test/controllers/controller_test_base'. You can find your Application Id from Moesif Dashboard -> Top Right Menu -> Installation
  2. From terminal/cmd navigate to the root directory of the SDK.
  3. Invoke: bundle exec rake