
ModelAttachment is intended as an simple file attachment library for ActiveRecord. This is experimental software, the interface is subject to change and we are still adding tests. Use with caution only in development.

See the documentation for has_attachement in ModelAttachment::ClassMethods for slightly more detailed options.

Quick Start

In your model:

class Document < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_attachment :path => ":domain/:folder/:document/:version/",
    :types => {
      :small => { :command => 'convert -geometry 100x100' },
      :large => { :command => 'convert -geometry 500x500' }
    :aws => :default,
    :logging => true

  def domain
    # returns string representing the domain

  def folder
    # returns string representing the folder

  def document
    # returns string representing document

  def version
    # returns document version number

In your migrations:

class AddAttachmentColumnsToDocument < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def self.up
    add_column :documents, :bucket,       :string # if you are using aws
    add_column :documents, :file_name,    :string
    add_column :documents, :content_type, :string
    add_column :documents, :file_size,    :integer
    add_column :documents, :version,      :integer
    add_column :documents, :updated_at,   :datetime

  def self.down
    remove_column :documents, :bucket
    remove_column :documents, :file_name
    remove_column :documents, :content_type
    remove_column :documents, :file_size
    remove_column :documents, :version
    remove_column :documents, :updated_at

In your edit and new views:

<% form_for :document, @document, :url => document_path, :html => { :multipart => true } do |form| %>
  <%= form.file_field :file_name %>
<% end %>

In your controller:

def create
  @document = Document.create( params[:user] )

def send
  # check permissions
  @document = Document.find(params[:id])

  # use x_send_file w/ apache for better results -
  x_send_file(@document.full_filename(params[:type]), :type => @document.content_type, :disposition => 'inline')

In your show view:

<%= link_to "Download", @document.url(:large) %>


The basics of model_attachment are quite simple: Declare that your model has an attachment with the has_attachment method, and give it a name. ModelAttachment will wrap up up to four attributes and give the a friendly front end. The attributes are file_name, file_size, content_type, and updated_at.

Attachments can be validated with ModelAttachment’s validation methods, validates_attachment_presence and validates_attachment_size.

Attachments can be moved to amazon with @document.move_to_amazon and from amazon with @document.move_to_filesystem.

You can use @document.url(:type) to get the url to the file.


The files that are assigned as attachments are, by default, placed in the directory specified by the :path option to has_attachment. By default, this location is “:rails_root/system/:document/:basename.:extention”.

Options currently accepted and evaluated: :domain :folder :document :version

Post Processing

ModelAttachment supports post processing by sending the types a command, this will be run on any images.


This is a blatant strip down of the Paperclip module by Jon Yurek and thoughtbot, inc.