Mockserver Client

A Ruby client for MockServer project. This client follows the Java client's fluent style closely by using Ruby blocks.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mockserver-client'

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install mockserver-client


The usage notes here compare the Java syntax with the Ruby DSL for the various actions the MockServer client/proxy client supports. The Ruby code here assumes you have included MockServer and MockServer::Model::DSL modules. So these lines should typically be at the top of your code:

include MockServer
include MockServer::Model::DSL

Create Expectations

new MockServerClient("localhost", 9999)
                                new Parameter("returnUrl", "/account")
                                new Cookie("sessionId", "2By8LOhBmaW5nZXJwcmludCIlMDAzMW")
                        .withBody("{username: 'foo', password: 'bar'}"),
                                new Header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"),
                                new Header("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=86400")
                        .withBody("{ message: 'incorrect username and password combination' }")
                        .withDelay(new Delay(TimeUnit.SECONDS, 1))
client ='localhost', 9999)
expectation = expectation do |expectation|
     expectation.request do |request|
        request.method = 'POST'
        request.path = '/login'
        request.query_parameters << parameter('returnUrl', '/account')
        request.cookies = [cookie('sessionId', '2By8LOhBmaW5nZXJwcmludCIlMDAzMW')]
        request.body = exact("{username: 'foo', password: 'bar'}")

    expectation.response do |response|
        response.status_code = 401
        response.headers << header('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
        response.headers << header('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=86400')
        response.body = body("{ message: 'incorrect username and password combination' }")
        response.delay = delay_by(:SECONDS, 1)

Clear & Reset Server

 client.clear(request('POST', '/login'))

Verifying Behavior

new ProxyClient("localhost", 9090).verify(
                .withBody(exact("{username: 'foo', password: 'bar'}"))
                        new Cookie("sessionId", ".*")
# Not providing times here because the default is exactly(1) i.e. the second argument to verify method'localhost', 9090).verify(request(:POST, '/login') do |request|
    request.body = exact("{username: 'foo', password: 'bar'}")
    request.cookies = [cookie("sessionId", ".*")]

Analyzing Behavior

new ProxyClient("localhost", 9090).dumpToLogAsJava(
# Second argument is true to set output to Java; false to set output to default JSON (default)'localhost', 9090).dump_log(request(:POST, '/login'), true)

Complete Ruby DSL

The DSL is provided via the MockServer::Model::DSL module. Include this module in your code to make the DSL available.


  • request: Used to build a request object. If a block is passed, will configure request first and then return the configured request. Example: request(:POST, '/login') {|r| r.headers << header("Content-Type", "application/json")}.
  • http_request: Alias for request.


  • body: Create a string body object (use in a response). Example: body("unaccepted").
  • exact: Create a body of type STRING. Example: exact('{"reason": "unauthorized"}').
  • regex: Create a body of type REGEX. Example: regex('username[a-z]{4}').
  • xpath: Used to create a body of type XPATH. Example: xpath("/element[key = 'some_key' and value = 'some_value']").
  • parameterized; Create a body to type PARAMETERS. Example parameterized(parameter('someValue', 1, 2), parameter('otherValue', 4, 5)).


  • parameter: Create a generic parameter. Example: parameter('key', 'value1' , 'value2').
  • cookie: Create a cookie (same as parameter above but exists as syntactic sugar). Example: cookie('sessionId', 'sessionid1ldj').
  • header: Create a header (same as parameter above but exists as syntactic sugar). Example: header('Content-Type', 'application/json').


  • forward: Create a forwarding response. If a block is passed, will configure forward response first and then return the configured object. Example: forward {|f| f.scheme = 'HTTPS' }.
  • http_forward: Alias for forward.


  • response: Create a response object. If a block is passed, will configure response first and then return the configured response. Example: response {|r| r.status_code = 201 }.
  • http_response: Alias for response.


  • delay_by. Create a delay object in a response. Example : delay_by(:MICROSECONDS, 20).

Times (used in Expectation)

  • times: Create an 'times' object. If a block is passed, will configure the object first before returning it. Example: times {|t| t.unlimited = false }.
  • unlimited: Create an object with unlimited repeats. Example: unlimited(). (No parameters).
  • once. Create an object that repeats only once. Example: once(). (No parameters).
  • exactly. Create an object that repeats exactly the number of times specified. Example: exactly(2).
  • at_least: Create an object that repeats at least the given number of times. (Use in verify). Example: at_least(2).

Expectation (use in register)

  • expectation: Create an expectation object. If a block is passed, will configure the object first before returning it. Example: expectation {|e| e.request {|r| r.path = "index.html} }. Getter methods for request, response and forward methods will optionally accept a block. If block is passed object is configured before it is returned. The attribute times has conventional getter and setter methods.


This gem comes with a command line interface which allow you to run the Mock Server calls from the command line. When this gem is installed, you will have the mockserver executable on your PATH. Type mockserver --help and you will get this output:

mockserver --help 

  mockserver clear           # Clears all stored mock request/responses from server.
  mockserver dump_log        # Dumps the matching request to the mock server logs.
  mockserver help [COMMAND]  # Describe available commands or one specific command
  mockserver register        # Register an expectation with the mock server.
  mockserver reset           # Resets the server clearing all data.
  mockserver retrieve        # Retrieve the list of requests that have been made to the mock/proxy server.
  mockserver verify          # Verify that a request has been made the specified number of times to the server.

  -h, --host=HOST    # The host for the MockServer client.
                     # Default: localhost
  -p, --port=N       # The port for the MockServer client.
                     # Default: 8080
  -d, [--data=DATA]  # A JSON or YAML file containing the request payload.

To get help for an individual command, e.g. dump_log, you would do:

mockserver --help dump_log

  mockserver dump_log

  -j, [--java], [--no-java]  # A switch to turn Java format for logs on/off.
  -h, --host=HOST            # The host for the MockServer client.
                             # Default: localhost
  -p, --port=N               # The port for the MockServer client.
                             # Default: 8080
  -d, [--data=DATA]          # A JSON or YAML file containing the request payload.

Dumps the matching request to the mock server logs.

Here is an example on how you would run the command:

mockserver dump_log -j true

Running with parameters:
    host: localhost
    port: 8080
    java: true

[2014-06-21 09:23:32] DEBUG [MockServerClient] Sending dump log request to mockserver
[2014-06-21 09:23:32] DEBUG [MockServerClient] URL: /dumpToLog?type=java. Payload: {}
[2014-06-21 09:23:32] DEBUG [MockServerClient] Got dump to log response: 202


If you have any problems, please check the project issues.


Pull requests are, of course, very welcome! Please read our contributing to the project guide first. Then head over to the open issues to see what we need help with. Make sure you let us know if you intend to work on something. Also, check out the milestones to see what is planned for future releases.