
Misty is a HTTP client for OpenStack APIs, aiming to be fast and to provide a flexible and at same time exhaustive APIs experience.


  • Exhaustive and latest Openstack APIs
  • Multiple Service versions
  • Microversions
  • Based upon Net/HTTP
  • Minimalistic gem dependencies - Only json is required
  • Dynamic services by autoloading only required service's version
  • Token automatically refreshed when expired
  • Raw JSON or Ruby format for queries and responses
  • Persistent HTTP connections (default since HTTP 1.1 anyway) but for the authentication bootstrapping
  • Direct HTTP Methods for custom needs

A solid KISS

For REST transactions, Misty uses only Net/HTTP from the Ruby Standard Library. So besides 'json', no other gem are required.
Because OpenStack authentication and Service Catalog management are very specific and shared by all the APIs, once taken care of, there is no need for a complex HTTP framework.
This offers a solid foundation with reduced dependencies.

APIs Definitions

The rich variety of OpenStack projects requires lots of Application Program Interfaces to handle.
Maintaining and extending those APIs is a structural complexity challenge.
Therefore the more automated the process, the better.
Thanks to the help of Phoenix project, the OpenStack API-ref [1] provides standardization of the OpenStack APIs.
The APIs can be processed almost automatically from the API-ref reference manuals (misty-builder).
This allows:

  • More consistent APIs using automated control
  • More recent APIs definitions
  • Easier to add APIs


Install & Use

Fetch and install

gem install misty

Quick start

require 'misty'

auth_v3 = {
  :url      => "http://localhost:5000",
  :user     => "admin",
  :password => "secret",
  :project  => "admin",
  :domain   => "default"

openstack = => auth_v3)

puts openstack.compute.list_servers.body
puts openstack.compute.list_flavors.body
networks =
network_id = networks.body["networks"][0]['id']
network =
puts network.body


Once the Misty::Cloud object is created, the Openstack services can be used.

The Cloud object authenticates against the identity server (bootstrap process) and obtains the service catalog. When an OpenStack API service is used, its endpoint is determined from the catalog and the service is dynamically called by Misty so only the services used are loaded.

The service generic name, such as compute, is used to submit requests with an OpenStack service API.

openstack = => { ... })
openstack.compute.list_servers"network": {"name": "my-network"})

To obtain the list of supported services:

require 'misty'

Which produces the equivalent of the following:

name project versions
alarming aodh ["v2"]
baremetal ironic ["v1"]
block_storage cinder ["v3", "v1"]
clustering senlin ["v1"]
compute nova ["v2.1"]
container magnum ["v1"]
data_processing sahara ["v1.1"]
data_protection karbor ["v1"]
database trove ["v1.0"]
dns designate ["v2"]
identity keystone ["v3", "v2.0"]
image glance ["v2", "v1"]
messaging zaqar ["v2"]
metering ceilometer ["v2"]
network neutron ["v2.0"]
object_storage swift ["v1"]
orchestration heat ["v1"]
search searchlight ["v1"]
shared_file_systems manila ["v2"]
  • Notes
    When an Openstack service requires a different service name, the :service_names option can be used (see below).

The #requests method provides the available requests for a service, for example:




The URL and credentials details are necessary to authenticate with the identity server (Keystone).

To provide a Keystone V3, which is the default recommended version:

auth = {
  :url      => "http://localhost:5000",
  :user     => "admin",
  :password => "secret",
  :project  => "admin",
  :domain   => "default"

Alternatively, for Keystone V2, just provide the tenant details, Misty will detect it's using Keystone V2:

auth = {
  :url      => "http://localhost:5000",
  :user     => "admin",
  :password => "secret",
  :tenant   => "admin",

Global options

Besides the authentication details, the following options which apply for the whole cloud

  • :content_type
    Format of the body of the successful HTTP responses to be JSON or Ruby structures.
    Value is symbol. Allowed value is :json.
    By default response body are converted to Ruby structures.
  • :log_file
    File name and path for log file.
    Value is file path or IO object - Default is ./misty.log.
    For example: use STDOUT for terminal output or alternatively use '/dev/null' to avoid the logs entirely.
  • :log_level
    Value is Fixnum - Default is 1 (Logger::INFO) - See Logger from Ruby standard Library
openstack = => auth, :content_type => :ruby, :log_file => STDOUT)

Services Options

Each service can get options specifically:

openstack = => auth, :identity => {}, :compute => {})

The following options are available:

  • :api_version
    The latest supported version is used by default. See to use another version.
    Value is a STRING
  • :base_path
    Allows to force the base path for every URL requests.
    Value is a STRING
  • :base_url
    Allows to force the base URL for every requests.
    Value is a STRING
  • :interface
    Allows to provide an alternate interface. Allowed values are "public", "internal" or "admin"
    Value is a STRING - Default = "public"
  • :region_id
    Value is a STRING
    Default "regionOne"
  • :service_names
    Value is a STRING - Default is defined by
    Allows to use a difference name for the service. For instance "identity3" for the identity service.
  • :ssl_verify_mode
    Used in SSL mode (detected from the URI)
    Value is a BOOLEAN - Default is true
  • :version
    Version to be used when microversion is supported by the service.
    Value is a STRING - Default is "CURRENT"
    Allowed values are "CURRENT", "LATEST", "SUPPORTED", or a version number such as "2.0" or "3"


openstack = => auth, :log_level => 0, :identity => {:region_id => "regionTwo"}, :compute => {:version => "2.27", :interface => "admin"})

Direct REST HTTP Methods

To send requests directly use the 'get', 'delete', 'post' and 'put' methods directly:"/v2.0/qos/policies/48985e6b8da145699d411f12a3459fca/dscp_marking_rules", data)


Ruby versions tested

  • Ruby 2.4.0
  • Ruby 2.3.3
  • Ruby 2.3.0


Contributors are welcome and must adhere to the Contributor covenant code of conduct.

Please submit issues/bugs and patches on the Misty repository.


Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. See LICENSE for details.