
MiniGL is a minimal 2D Game Library, available as a Ruby gem, and built on top of the Gosu gem.

It provides the following features:

  • Resource management (images, sounds, ...)
  • Input manipulation (keyboard, mouse, ...)
  • UI (text, buttons, text fields, ...)
  • Basic physics and collision checking
  • Animated objects

More functionalities are coming. Feel free to contribute! You can send feedback to [email protected].


MiniGL was built on top of the Gosu gem. This gem has its own dependencies for compiling extensions. Visit this page for details.

After installing the Gosu dependencies, you can just gem install minigl.


  • The library is 100% RDoc-documented here.
  • The wiki is a work in progress with tutorials and examples.
  • Test package and examples aren't complete!

Version 2.1.1

  • Fixed the TextField's selection when scaled.