Simple Ruby Wrapper to the MaxMind minFraud API

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Compatible with version minFraud API v2.0

minFraud API documentation


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'minfraud'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install minfraud


User Id and License Key are required to work with minFraud API

Minfraud.configure do |c|
  c.license_key = 'your_license_key'
  c.user_id     = 'your_user_id'


# You can either provide a hash of params to initializer
assessment =
  device: {
    ip_address: ''
# or create a component and assign them to assessments object directly, e.g
device = '')
assessment = device)
# or
assessment =
assessment.device = device
# There are multiple components that reflect minFraud request top level keys

# Some components will raise an error if provided with the wrong values for attributes, e.g
event = 'foobar') # => Minfraud::NotEnumValueError
# You can check the list of permitted values for the attribute by calling a class method
Minfraud::Components::Event.type_values # => ["account_creation", "account_login", ....]

# You can now call 3 different minFraud endpoints: score, insights, factors

result = assessment.score # => Minfraud::Response instance

result.status  # => Response status code
result.code    # => minFraud specific response code
result.body    # => Mashified body
result.headers # => Response headers

# You can also change data inbetween requests
first_request = assessment.insights
assessment.device.ip_address = ''
second_request = assessment.insights

Exception handling

Gem is supplied with four different types of exceptions:

# Raised if unpermitted key is provided to Minfraud::Assessments initializer
class RequestFormatError < BaseError; end

# Raised if IP address is absent / it is reserved / JSON body can not be decoded
class ClientError < BaseError; end

# Raised if there are some problems with the user id and / or license key
class AuthorizationError < BaseError; end

# Raised if minFraud returns an error, or if there is an HTTP error
class ServerError < BaseError; end

# Raised if an attribute value doesn't belong to the predefined set of values
class NotEnumValueError < BaseError; end


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub here. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.