MinMax Heap

The MinMax Heap gem provides a high-performance minmax heap implementation for Ruby, written in Rust. The gem wraps the excellent min-max-heap-rs Rust library. It allows for the creation of a min-max-heap and supporting operations like pushing and popping multiple items, iterating over heap items, and converting heaps to arrays.


  • MinMax heap implementation.
  • Sorts according to #priority or #to_i by default. Can be overridden using a custom priority block.
  • Efficient push and pop operations for single or multiple items.
  • Iteration support with #each.
  • Convert heap to array with #to_a, #to_a_asc and #to_a_desc.


  • You must have a working Rust compiler installed on your system. bash curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs |


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'min_max'

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install min_max

# or manually specify target . E.g.

CARGO_BUILD_TARGET=x86_64-apple-darwin gem install min_max


Instantiate a heap

heap = MinMax.new
# Alternate syntax
heap = MinMax[6,3,2,6]

# Custom priority block
heap = MinMax.new{|x| -x }
heap = MinMax[1,4,5,-43]{|x| -x }

Adding items

heap.push(5, 3, 7, 1)

Popping items

heap.pop_max    # => 7
heap.pop_min(3) # => [1, 3, 5]

Iterating over heap items

heap.each.with_index { |item, i| puts "#{i}: #{item}" }

To array

heap.to_a_asc  # => [1, 3, 5]
heap.to_a_desc # => [5, 3, 1]
heap.to_a # => Heap order


heap.size # => 4
heap.length # Alias for size



Count number of times an item is in the heap


Check if item is contained in the heap



You can run the benchmarks/benchmarks.rb file inside this repository for comparison to other popular heap libraries:

min-max should be the fastest to pop from a large heap, often by a significant margin, while also offering both min and max operations from a single heap. Some options are faster at pushing individual items, but the difference is within the same order of magnitude. Batch pushing to min-max also significantly increases insert speed.