
Migajas is a tiny library for adding breadcrumbs to any Rack application. It was designed with routing tree frameworks like Cuba or Roda in mind, but works well with any Rack-based framework, including Rails.


First, build up your trail of crumbs as you match your routes:

Cuba.plugin Migajas

Cuba.define do
  breacrumbs << "Home"

  on "users" do
    breadcrumbs << "Users"

    on get do
      # render the list of users

    on ":id" do |id|
      user = User[id]
      breadcrumbs << user.name

      on get do
        # render the user profile page

Then, in the view, go over the breadcrumbs list:

<ol class="breadcrumbs">
  <% breadcrumbs.each do |crumb| %>
    <li class="<%= "active" if crumb.current? %>">
      <a href="<%= crumb.url %>"><%= crumb.name %></a>
  <% end %>

That's it :)


Start by adding Migajas::Rails to your controllers:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include Migajas::Rails

This gives you a breadcrumbs method that you can access from your controllers and views. The recommended approach is to use action callbacks to add breadcrumbs:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include Migajas::Rails

  before_action { breadcrumbs.add "Home", root_path }

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  before_action { breadcrumbs.add "Users", users_path }
  before_action(only: [:show, :edit, :update]) { breadcrumbs.add @user.name, user_path(@user) }

Then, in your layout, you can iterate over the Array:

<ol class="breadcrumbs">
  <% breadcrumbs.each do |crumb| %>
    <%= tag.li class: { active: crumb.current? } do %>
      <%= link_to crumb.name, crumb.url %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>


gem install migajas

Do we need a gem for this?

Probably not, but after 2 years of using this code, I got bored of copying and pasting it from a gist.

What's in a name?

Migajas is the Spanish word for breadcrumbs. It's pronounced like you'd pronounce me-gha-has in English (me as in the word "me", gha as in "ghast", and has as the word "has".)


This project is shared under the MIT license. See the attached LICENSE file for details.